entertain fears that our brethren in-
tend to invade their territory in a
hostile manner. We assure you that
their fears are groundless,—such is
not and never was our intention
Sunday 22nd. Br. Lyman Smith
received a wound from the accidental
discharge of a horse pistol from which
he recovered in about three days. Cornelius Gillium, the sheriff of Clay
County, came to the camp to hold con-
sultation with us. I marched my
company into a grove near by and
formed in a circle, with Gillium in
the center. Gillium commenced by
saying that he had heard that
Joseph Smith was in the camp, and
if so he would like to see him. I
arose and replied, "I am the man"
This is the first time that I had
entertain fears that our brethren intend to invade their territory in a
hostile manner. We assure you that
their fears are groundless,—such is
not and never was our intention
Sunday 22nd. Br. Lyman Smith
received a wound from the accidental
discharge of a horse pistol from which
he recovered in about three days.
Cornelius Gillium, the sheriff of Clay
County, came to the camp to hold consultation with us. I marched my
company into a grove near by and
formed in a circle, with Gillium in
the center. Gillium commenced by
saying that he had heard that
Joseph Smith was in the camp, and
if so he would like to see him. I
arose and replied, "I am the man"
This is the first time that I had
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