arranged each man in his respective
company, and assigned his place, and
duty, which was generaly in the following
order, Two cooks. Two firemen. Two tent pitch-
ers. Two watchmen. One runner. Two wagoners
and horsmen. and one comisary. We
purchased flower; baked our own bread; coocked
our own provisions generaly, which were good
but sometimes scanty; and sometimes
we had jonny cake or corn-dodger, instead
of flour bread. Every night before retireing
to rest at the sound of the trumpet
we bowed before the Lord, in the several
tents; and presented our thank and offerings
with prayer and supplications; and at
the sound of the morning trumpet every
man was again on his knees before the Lord,
imploring his blessings for the day. Our
journey was like the ancient Jaredites
pitching our tents by the way.
~ Thursday
May the 8th.
After completing our organization by number-
ing our wagons, we commenced our march
toward Zion. The weather was pleasant, and
delightful. We traveled through the day
and pitched our tents in a beautiful
green, at Chippeway for the night twelve
miles from New Portage.
~ Friday
9th. We continued
arranged each man in his respective
company, and assigned his place, and
duty, which was generaly in the following
order, Two cooks. Two firemen. Two tent pitchers. Two watchmen. One runner. Two wagoners
and horsmen. and one comisary. We
purchased flower; baked our own bread; coocked
our own provisions generaly, which were good
but sometimes scanty; and sometimes
we had jonny cake or corn-dodger, instead
of flour bread. Every night before retireing
to rest at the sound of the trumpet
we bowed before the Lord, in the several
tents; and presented our thank and offerings
with prayer and supplications; and at
the sound of the morning trumpet every
man was again on his knees before the Lord,
imploring his blessings for the day. Our
journey was like the ancient Jaredites
pitching our tents by the way.
~ Thursday
May the 8th.
After completing our organization by numbering our wagons, we commenced our march
toward Zion. The weather was pleasant, and
delightful. We traveled through the day
and pitched our tents in a beautiful
green, at Chippeway for the night twelve
miles from New Portage.
~ Friday
9th. We continued
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