number of those that had gone into for the
principle thereof, had to go to prison, while those that had
embraced if for lust escaped, as the officers appeared
to care nothing about them. I saw no preparation of
any warlike demonstration in the midst of the Saints,
but all appeared to have the spirit of peace and con-
tentment, and when the soldiers came near our borders,
then the United States officers and all the Gentiles were
seized with fearfulness, and left in haste by night and
by day, until they all got outside of the borders of this peo-
ple, and united with the soldiers. Then the army surroun-
ded this people on every side, and there was no possible
way of escape; they then raised their standard and sent
forth a proclamation to all who wished to save their
lives to come to them for protection. About one third
of our men, and as many women as they could per-
suade to follow them, went over to the army and joined
it. Then I saw the preparations commence for the entire
destruction of the Saints, which consisted in their ene-
mies gathering together all the combustible material they
could obtain, making a complete wall all around this
people. It looked to me to be some fifty feet high,
and from six to ten rods wide on the bottom. During
the time of their gathering this combustible material, our
people were laboring in the Temples, men with
the fulness of the blessings of the priesthood, setting them
apart, and placing them along the borders of the Saints
number of those that had gone into for the
principle thereof, had to go to prison, while those that had
embraced if for lust escaped, as the officers appeared
to care nothing about them. I saw no preparation of
any warlike demonstration in the midst of the Saints,
but all appeared to have the spirit of peace and contentment, and when the soldiers came near our borders,
then the United States officers and all the Gentiles were
seized with fearfulness, and left in haste by night and
by day, until they all got outside of the borders of this people, and united with the soldiers. Then the army surrounded this people on every side, and there was no possible
way of escape; they then raised their standard and sent
forth a proclamation to all who wished to save their
lives to come to them for protection. About one third
of our men, and as many women as they could persuade to follow them, went over to the army and joined
it. Then I saw the preparations commence for the entire
destruction of the Saints, which consisted in their enemies gathering together all the combustible material they
could obtain, making a complete wall all around this
people. It looked to me to be some fifty feet high,
and from six to ten rods wide on the bottom. During
the time of their gathering this combustible material, our
people were laboring in the Temples, men with
the fulness of the blessings of the priesthood, setting them
apart, and placing them along the borders of the Saints