upon her head and commanded the , in the name of
Jesus Christ, to depart out of her. It was immediately done,
and the woman arose with great joy, and gave thanks and
praise unto God; for, according to her faith, she was made
whole from that hour.
A child, also, that was sick, was healed by the , according to the word of God.
We walked thirty miles to visit another branch of the
Saints at , where we met with and . Here we held a meeting and bore our testimony to
the people.
A Sister here came to us and requested to have the
ordinance for the healing of the sick performed for two of
her children who were afflicted. One was a suckling ,
which was lying at the point of death. I took it in my arms
and presented it before the Elders, who laid their hands upon
it, and it was made whole immediately, and I handed it back
to the mother entirely healed.
We afterwards laid hands upon the other, when it was also
healed. It was done by the , in the name of
Jesus Christ, and the parents praised God for His goodness.
After leaving the Saints in this place, we returned to , and crossed in company with ,
and John Snider.
Brother Russell seemed to be constantly troubled with , which followed him when he subsequently went upon
a mission to , where Apostles and , when administering to him, had a severe contest
with them, as Brother Kimball has related in his history.
Brothers Russell, Goodson and Snider continued with us to
, where they left us to proceed to , to
join Elders Kimball and Hyde to go upon their mission to
After leaving these brethren we traveled by rail to ,
and walked from there to , Conn., where we found a
branch of the Church, including and and
We held a two-days' meeting with the Saints in Canaan,
and I ordained Julian Moses and Francis K. Benedict Elders.
upon her head and commanded the , in the name of
Jesus Christ, to depart out of her. It was immediately done,
and the woman arose with great joy, and gave thanks and
praise unto God; for, according to her faith, she was made
whole from that hour.
A child, also, that was sick, was healed by the , according to the word of God.
We walked thirty miles to visit another branch of the
Saints at , where we met with and . Here we held a meeting and bore our testimony to
the people.
A Sister here came to us and requested to have the
ordinance for the healing of the sick performed for two of
her children who were afflicted. One was a suckling child,
which was lying at the point of death. I took it in my arms
and presented it before the Elders, who laid their hands upon
it, and it was made whole immediately, and I handed it back
to the mother entirely healed.
We afterwards laid hands upon the other, when it was also
healed. It was done by the , in the name of
Jesus Christ, and the parents praised God for His goodness.
After leaving the Saints in this place, we returned to , and crossed in company with ,
and John Snider.
Brother Russell seemed to be constantly troubled with , which followed him when he subsequently went upon
a mission to , where Apostles and , when administering to him, had a severe contest
with them, as Brother Kimball has related in his history.
Brothers Russell, Goodson and Snider continued with us to
, where they left us to proceed to , to
join Elders Kimball and Hyde to go upon their mission to
After leaving these brethren we traveled by rail to ,
and walked from there to , Conn., where we found a
branch of the Church, including and and
We held a two-days' meeting with the Saints in Canaan,
and I ordained Julian Moses and Francis K. Benedict Elders.