organize and conduct a contest in your behalf on lines that we knew were absolutely
right and as absolutely sure to win for you in the end. Of course, need not say to
you, or to any of your people, how devotedly and wisely Colonel over several years
has subordinated his own interests in life and made your interests the ambition and as-
piration of his every effort, and how with apparently more than human energy he has de-
voted every day and every thought of his life to your service. It has been almost en-
tirely through his influence, through the genius of his persistence in carrying the story
of your wrongs and rights to the door of nearly every influential man in the nation, of
his energy in assembling all these influences, and making friends for you wherever there
were good hearts to make friends with, that success has finally come to you. I have been
much in politics, and in many struggles. I have seen many successful men, gifted with
masterful and even peculiar powers in human affairs; but, as Mr. and I have often
talked and discussed, such a character as Colonel Trumbo, with his ability to make friends,
his ability to make people listen as to your wrongs and his power to convince them of
your rights, and his singular quality of assembling all these forces together, whether
represented in the public press, or in the organizations of the different churches, or
the more powerful influences of the most powerful corporations, and finally in the seat
of supreme power in the United States, , has never before appeared on the scene
of American politics. It is not in my nature as a devout man and a believer in higher
powers, to reject the idea that he has been given for this work even more than the
strength of a man. It is refreshing in this age of cynicism and indifference in the
world to find friendship of this higher sort sacrificing personal interest and ambition
to a good cause and putting the success of that cause above everything else. Equally
marked and equally beautiful and worthy of admiration as Colonel Trumbo's persistent
and remarkable efforts in your behalf has been the unselfishness of his actions, the
subordination of self with no expectation of reward except the great joy of seeing
justice brought to you and your people at last. That you and all your people will
appreciate this, that you have no confidence too sacred to be given to him, that there
is no honor within your control too high to be offered him, that your children after you
organize and conduct a contest in your behalf on lines that we knew were absolutely
right and as absolutely sure to win for you in the end. Of course, need not say to
you, or to any of your people, how devotedly and wisely Colonel over several years
has subordinated his own interests in life and made your interests the ambition and aspiration of his every effort, and how with apparently more than human energy he has devoted every day and every thought of his life to your service. It has been almost entirely through his influence, through the genius of his persistence in carrying the story
of your wrongs and rights to the door of nearly every influential man in the nation, of
his energy in assembling all these influences, and making friends for you wherever there
were good hearts to make friends with, that success has finally come to you. I have been
much in politics, and in many struggles. I have seen many successful men, gifted with
masterful and even peculiar powers in human affairs; but, as Mr. and I have often
talked and discussed, such a character as Colonel Trumbo, with his ability to make friends,
his ability to make people listen as to your wrongs and his power to convince them of
your rights, and his singular quality of assembling all these forces together, whether
represented in the public press, or in the organizations of the different churches, or
the more powerful influences of the most powerful corporations, and finally in the seat
of supreme power in the United States, Congress, has never before appeared on the scene
of American politics. It is not in my nature as a devout man and a believer in higher
powers, to reject the idea that he has been given for this work even more than the
strength of a man. It is refreshing in this age of cynicism and indifference in the
world to find friendship of this higher sort sacrificing personal interest and ambition
to a good cause and putting the success of that cause above everything else. Equally
marked and equally beautiful and worthy of admiration as Colonel Trumbo's persistent
and remarkable efforts in your behalf has been the unselfishness of his actions, the
subordination of self with no expectation of reward except the great joy of seeing
justice brought to you and your people at last. That you and all your people will
appreciate this, that you have no confidence too sacred to be given to him, that there
is no honor within your control too high to be offered him, that your children after you