[Doctrine and Covenants 112:3-7] therefore all thy sins are forgiven thee
let thy heart be of good cheer before
my face & thou shalt bear record
of my name not ownly unto the
gentiles but also unto the Jews & thou
shalt send forth my word unto the
ends of the earth contend thou there
fore morning by morning & day after
day let thy warning voice go forth &
when the night cometh let not the
inhabitants of the earth slumber
because of thy speach let thy habitation
[ink change] be known in Zion & remove not thy
house for I the Lord have a great work for
thee to do in publishing my name among
the Children of Men, therefore gird up
your loins for the work let your
therefore all thy sins are forgiven thee
let thy heart be of good cheer before
my face & thou shalt bear record
of my name not ownly unto the
gentiles but also unto the Jews & thou
shalt send forth my word unto the
ends of the earth contend thou there
fore morning by morning & day after
day let thy warning voice go forth &
when the night cometh let not the
inhabitants of the earth slumber
because of thy speach let thy habitation
ink change be known in Zion & remove not thy
house for I the Lord have a great work for
thee to do in publishing my name among
the Children of Men, therefore gird up
your loins for the work let your