doeth. Some say Joseph is a fallen prophet because
he does not bring forth more of the word of the Lord
why does he not do it, are we able to receive it No
not one in this room" he then chastised us for our
wickedness & unbelief knowing that whome the
Lord loveth he chasteneth & scourgeth evry son &
daughter whome he receiveth, & if we do not receive
it then are we bastards & not sons. On revelation he
said a man would command his son to dig potatoes
then saddle his horse but before he done either tell him
to do something els, this is all considerd right but the
moment the Lord gives a commandment & revokes
that decree & commands sumthing els the prophet is
then considered fallen &c.
Because we will not receive chastizment at the hand of
the prophet or Apostles the Lord chastizes us with
sickness & death. Let not any man publish his own
righteousnes for others can do that for him sooner let him
confess his sins & then he will be forgiven & bring forth
more fruit. When a man is chastised he gets angry &
will not endure it. The reason we do not have the
secrets of the Lord revealed unto us is because we
do not keep them but reveal them, what greater
love hath any man than to lay down his life for his friend
then we should fight for our friend untill we die
Elder B. Young arose & said one thing lay with wait
on his mind ie that we should be prepared to keep each
commandment as it came from the Lord by the
mouth of the prophet, & as the Lord had commanded
us to build a temple we should do it spedily
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] Joseph the Seer taught the following principles
that the God & father of our Lord Jesus Christ was
once the same as the Son or Holy Ghost but havi
ng redeemed a world became the eternal God of
that world he had a son Jesus Christ who redeem
ed this earth the same as his father had a world which
made them equal & the Holy Ghost would do
the same in his turn & so would all the Saints
doeth. Some say Joseph is a fallen prophet because
he does not bring forth more of the word of the Lord
why does he not do it, are we able to receive it No
not one in this room" he then chastised us for our
wickedness & unbelief knowing that whome the
Lord loveth he chasteneth & scourgeth evry son &
daughter whome he receiveth, & if we do not receive
it then are we bastards & not sons. On revelation he
said a man would command his son to dig potatoes
then saddle his horse but before he done either tell him
to do something els, this is all considerd right but the
moment the Lord gives a commandment & revokes
that decree & commands sumthing els the prophet is
then considered fallen &c.
Because we will not receive chastizment at the hand of
the prophet or Apostles the Lord chastizes us with
sickness & death. Let not any man publish his own
righteousnes for others can do that for him sooner let him
confess his sins & then he will be forgiven & bring forth
more fruit. When a man is chastised he gets angry &
will not endure it. The reason we do not have the
secrets of the Lord revealed unto us is because we
do not keep them but reveal them, what greater
love hath any man than to lay down his life for his friend
then we should fight for our friend untill we die
Elder B. Young arose & said one thing lay with wait
on his mind ie that we should be prepared to keep each
commandment as it came from the Lord by the
mouth of the prophet, & as the Lord had commanded
us to build a temple we should do it spedily
Joseph the Seer taught the following principles
that the God & father of our Lord Jesus Christ was
once the same as the Son or Holy Ghost but havi
ng redeemed a world became the eternal God of
that world he had a son Jesus Christ who redeem
ed this earth the same as his father had a world which
made them equal & the Holy Ghost would do
the same in his turn & so would all the Saints
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