Verily I now say unto you &
now give unto you the offices
belonging to my priesthood that
you may hold the keys thereof
even the priesthood which is after
the order of Melchisedek which
is after the order of my ownly
Begotten Son.
First I give
unto you HyrumSmith to
be a patriarch unto you to
hold the Sealing Blessings of
my Church even the Holy Spirit
of promise whareby you are
sealed up unto the day of redem-
ption that ye may not fall
notwithstanding the rain of
temptation that may come [Doctrine and Covenants 124:123-124]
Verily I now say unto you &
now give unto you the offices
belonging to my priesthood that
you may hold the keys thereof
even the priesthood which is after
the order of Melchisedek which
is after the order of my ownly
Begotten Son.
First I give
unto you HyrumSmith to
be a patriarch unto you to
hold the Sealing Blessings of
my Church even the Holy Spirit
of promise whareby you are
sealed up unto the day of redemption that ye may not fall
notwithstanding the rain of
temptation that may come