Literary and Musical Society. They came as a committee from
that society
President Young said, "I do not like some things that
have been there. Most of the sisters and brethren have written
very good essays; but some have been vulgar. But I have no
objection to their being continued if they can be conducted in righteousness
I would like you to get a globe revolving there and give lectures
upon gelography history and science. They all belong to our religion
and there are but few who can retain in their memory the geography
of the world. So lectures would be interesting to many upon
this subject. I do not want to hear baldadash; but I want
to hear that which is right and tends to good
A man arrived from Laramie from whom we
learned that A. O. Smoot was at Green River and that the last
company whom the Indians killed the same number as the soldiers
had killed of the Indians they in turn killed of the whites and
then they were satisfied and gave themselves up and they also surrendered
Mrs Margetts whom they had taken prisioner.
Elder Dan Jones arrived on the quite unwell and on he was called up to speak but could only do so for a short
time. He looked nearly worn out
At the close of President Kimball's remarks which
followed he called upon all the horse teams in the city and county
to go into the Mountains and pick up the companies who were
coming with hand-carts and bring them into the city. One hundred
and fifteen were raised in a few minutes and all were prepared to
start in the morning. They were to take grain to feed them
with. President Young was unwell and not at the Tabernacle.
At the prayer circle the subject came up concerning the
emigration starting so late that it had cost the Territory more
Literary and Musical Society. They came as a committee from
that society
President Young said, "I do not like somethings that
have been there. Most of the sisters and brethren have written
very good essays; but some have been vulgar. But I have no
objection to their being continued if they can be conducted in righteousness
I would like you to get a globe revolving there and give lectures
upon geography history and science. They all belong to our religion
and there are but few who can retain in their memory the geography
of the world. So lectures would be interesting to many upon
this subject. I do not want to hear baldadash; but I want
to hear that which is right and tends to good
A man arrived from Laramie from whom we
learned that A. O. Smoot was at Green River and that the last
company whom the Indians killed the same number as the soldiers
had killed of the Indians they in turn killed of the whites and
then they were satisfied and gave themselves up and they also surrendered
Mrs Margetts whom they had taken prisoner.
Snow on the Big Mountain was eight inches
Elder Dan Jones arrived on the 24th quite unwell and on Sunday
the 26th he was called up to speak but could only do so for a short
time. He looked nearly worn out
At the close of President Kimball's remarks which
followed he called upon all the horse teams in the city and county
to go into the Mountains and pick up the companies who were
coming with handcarts and bright them into the City. One hundred
and fifteen were raised in a few minutes and all were prepared to
start in the morning. They were to take grain to feed them
with. President Young was unwell and not at the Tabernacle.
At the prayer circle the subject came up concerning the
emigration starting so late that it had cost the Territory more
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