us to honour our tabernacles that we may never disgrace ourselves in
anything. Grant unto us thy Holy Spirit that it may quicken
our understanding and bring to our rememberance all things which are
necessary for us in the discharge of our duties.
We now dedicate this Font to thee O, God. We
consecrate it unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ. Let thyine
angel O Lord touch this water and this Font with his finger that
it may be holy unto the Lord. May no unclean thing ever
enter into this font to polute it. We dedicate ourselves our
wives children and all that we have unto thee O Lord our God
May we be thine for ever and all that we have
Now O Lord accept of this dedication at
our hands and as we go into this water may our sins be forgiven
and not be remembered against us any more. May we feel
the power of God and have power to work a great reformation
among this people; and may this people triumph over our
enemies; and may not our enemies hever again have power
over us. But willt thou cause thine indignation to burn
against them that they shall not have any power to do thy
people harm.
Now O Lord look down upon thy servant
and clothe him with thy power that he may know the
workings of the power of the Devil in the Church and among
this people; and may he have power to stretch forth his
hand unto thy people and do thy work.
We now dedicate this font to baptize the
living and the living for the dead and for every purpose which
is necessary to perform the work of the Lord our God even that
the generations which are dead and passed away may be saved
and that the sins of the living may be washed away and
that the sick may be healed of every infirmity that we
may be renewed in body and spirit in all things.
us to honour our abernacles that we may never disgrace ourselves in
anything. Grant unto us thy Holy Spirit that it may quicken
our understanding and bring to our rememberance all things which are
necessary for us in the discharge of our duties.
We now dedicate this Font to thee O, God. We
consecrate it unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ. Let thy
angel O Lord touch this water and this Font with his finger that
it may be holy unto the Lord. May no unclean thing ever
enter into this font to polute it. We dedicate ourselves our
wives children and all that we have unto thee O, Lord our God
May we be thine for ever and all that we have
Now O Lord accept of this dedication at
our hands and as we go into this water may our sins be forgiven
and not be remembered against us any more. May we feel
the power of God and have power to work a great reformation
among this people; and may this people triumph over our
enemies; and may not our enemiesever again have power
over us. But wilt thou cause thine indignation to burn
against them that they shall not have any power to do thy
people harm.
Now O Lord look down upon thy servant
and clothe him with thy power that he may know the
workings of the power of the Devil in the Church and among
this people; and may he have power to stretch forth his
hand unto thy people and do thy work.
We now dedicate this font to baptize the
living and the living for the dead and for every purpose which
is necessary to perform the work of the Lord our God even that
the generations which are dead and passed away may be saved
and that the sins of the living may be washed away and
that the sick may be healed of every infirmity that we
may be renewed in body and spirit in all things.