Nuttall to write up a biographical sketch of my past life to be forwarded ^to^ toand read
at the Woodruff reunion to be held August 17 at New York. Spent the day at home
~ Tuesday
Aug 3rd Bro Nuttall came down this morning washed & shaved me, drove to the office, attended a stockholders meeting of the Deseret Telegraph Company
at 1030 am. Was elected a Director & President. afterwards met with Prests Cannon & Smith and returned home at 1215 pm. Rested during the after-
noon, had supper at my son Asahels with MrThos Thorpe his friends from New York now paying him a visit. Madam Mountford called while I was away
& left 2 large framed collections of flowers artistically arranged, which
she will present to me as the veteran Pioneer, her sentiments were nicely
expressed written in them. She purposes calling again tomorrow ^Bro Nuttall came & staid all night^. I received
a letter from my son Newton a missionary at Jackson Kentucky, which I
had Bro Nuttall answer. I also had a letter written to my wife Sarah at Provo
enclosing Newtons letter to her. I also signed my Official Bond as Director & Prest
of the Des[eret] Tel[egraph] co.
~ Wednesday
Aug 4th I spent a very good night slept most of the time. Bro Nuttall
accompanied me to the office. We attended a meeting of the Directors of Z. BS. B. & T Co.
at 1 pm till 330 pm We then returned home very tired. Madam Mountford
came down this evening, presented me her flowers, and stayed all night
so as to be ready to accompany MrsWoodruff to Wasatch in the morning.
Aug 5th MrsWoodruff and the Madam left early in a buggy for Wasatch
I attended my Temple meeting at 230 and partook of the Sacrament
with my counselors & apostles. Bro Nuttall came & staid with me
to night. Mrs Woodruff & the Madam returned about 9 o'clock. she
stayed all night, having had a good time in the Kanyon.
~ Friday
Aug 6th I slept well most of the night. Drove to the city at 1030 am.
called at Clara's & left MrsWoodruff there. I called on the Madam
Nuttall to write up a biographical sketch of my past life to be forwarded toand read
at the Woodruff reunion to be held August 17 at New York. Spent the day at home
~ Tuesday
Aug 3rd Bro Nuttall came down this morning washed & shaved me, drove to the
office, attended a stockholders meeting of the Deseret Telegraph Company
at 1030 am. Was elected a Director & President. afterwards met with Prests
Cannon & Smith and returned home at 1215 pm. Rested during the afternoon, had supper at my son Asahels with Mr Thos Thorpe his friends from
New York now paying him a visit. Madam Mountford called while I was away
& left 2 large framed collections of flowers artistically arranged, which
she will present to me as the veteran Pioneer, her sentiments were nicely
expressed written in them. She purposes calling again tomorrow Bro Nuttall came & staid all night. I received
a letter from my son Newton a missionary at Jackson Kentucky, which I
had Bro Nuttall answer. I also had a letter written to my wife Sarah at Provo
enclosing Newtons letter to her. I also signed my Official Bond as Director & Prest
of the Deseret Telegraph co.
~ Wednesday
Aug 4th I spent a very good night slept most of the time. Bro Nuttall
accompanied me to the office. We attended a meeting of the Directors of Z.S. B. & T Co.
at 1 pm till 330 pm We then returned home very tired. Madam Mountford
came down this evening, presented me her flowers, and stayed all night
so as to be ready to accompany MrsWoodruff to Wasatch in the morning.
Aug 5th MrsWoodruff and the Madam left early in a buggy for Wasatch
I attended my Temple meeting at 230 and partook of the Sacrament
with my counselors & apostles. Bro Nuttall came & staid with me
to night. Mrs Woodruff & the Madam returned about 9 o'clock. she
stayed all night, having had a good time in the Kanyon.
~ Friday
Aug 6th I slept well most of the night. Drove to the city at 1030 am.
called at Clara's & left MrsWoodruff there. I called on the Madam
"Journal (April 1897 – September 1898)," August 2, 1897 - August 6, 1897, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 2, 2025,