of the Human frame one which is vary Noted
viz the celebrated O Brian his skeleton was
8 feet in highth & well proportioned He was
8 feet & 4 inches in hight when alive, there
were others of large stature. The Joining Room
was occupied with a great variety of parts, &
whole Human Bodies & Frames in various stages
& states. Some bodies were whole & embalmed one
ownly that was Egyptian. Some the skin & flesh
was taken away & the bones, arters & sinews, left
in their Natural state, which were prepared with
the greatest pains & care, parts of the body such
as the hand & foot sc were in a prepared state with
the skin of showing the veins, sinews, nevrves &c. many skuls were in this room showing the
effect of various disease. A number of hearts
were preserved in their natural state both from
the Human & Animal creation one from A
whales. Their were four Rooms Above which
we visited, which contained a vast variety
objects preserved in spirits, of evry description of
the Human, Animal, Amphibious, & Serpentile race
evry part of the Human body dissected & preserved
in spirits, & many Human monsters, & children {from the first month of pregnancy to full grown children} One vessel chontain-
ed five small children born at one birth but
without life. There were some peculiar
preperations both of natural History & the Huma[n]
system by injecting quick silver in to the finest
fibres of the body, which were all for the
purpose of giving surgeons a knowledge of evry
part of the system, which was quite Interesti[ng]
to an person feeling interested in the subject of
6 m[iles]
of the Human frame one which is vary Noted
viz the celebrated O Brian his skeleton was
8 feet in highth & well proportioned He was
8 feet & 4 inches in hight when alive, there
were others of large stature. The Joining Room
was occupied with a great variety of parts, &
whole Human Bodies & Frames in various stages
& states. Some bodies were whole & embalmed one
ownly that was Egyptian. Some the skin & flesh
was taken away & the bones, arters & sinews, left
in their Natural state, which were prepared with
the greatest pains & care, parts of the body such
as the hand & foot sc were in a prepared state with
the skin of showing the veins, sinews, nerves
&c. many skuls were in this room showing the
effect of various disease. A number of hearts
were preserved in their natural state both from
the Human & Animal creation one from A
whales. Their were four Rooms Above which
we visited, which contained a vast variety
objects preserved in spirits, of evry description of
the Human, Animal, Amphibious, & Serpentile race
evry part of the Human body dissected & preserved
in spirits, & many Human monsters, & children
{from the first month of pregnancy to full grown children} One vessel contained five small children born at one birth but
withwout life. There were some peculiar
preperations both of natural History & the Human
system by injecting quick silver in to the finest
fibres of the body, which were all for the
purpose of giving Surgeons a knowledge of evry
part of the system,, which was quite Interesting
to an person feeling interested in the subject
of surgery.
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"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," November 30, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ly5