Nov 4th We received 3 Letters I received one from Elder John Cheese containing a post office order of £2.10 a dona
tion from the Saints we received one letter from O. Pratt
& one from Emma Cordon. We wrote onte to O Pratt & one to Osmond Shaw & one to Rowley
~ Thursday
5th The Efagy of Guydo [Guido] Fawkes is before our door
this morning attended by about 100 boys they are
carrying him through the streets of London in
memory of the great gun powder plot on the 5th of Nov
1605. I received two letters one from Elder Samuel Jones containing £1 & good news [FIGURE]{Phebe} I received a letter from Phebe & Elder Wm
Clark which gave me great joy it was Dated
Sept 8th 1840 Mrs Woodruff bears her affliction
with patience & resignation, haveing lost one child,
& the other is sick, but her own health is quite good
at present she is at Father Clarks & comfortable for
temporal things. Elder Wm O. Clark says do not
trouble yourself about Phebe & little Willford for they
shall not want any thing that I can bestow & may
God hold it as an everlasting covenant between me &
thee. He further says the temporal state of the
Church was never in a more prosper state than at the
present time. No mobing at the present time in this
country but gathering vary rapid a number of
familie[s] arived from England Phebe had had
an interview with Br Wm Benbow
We wrote two letters one to Elder Geo. W.
Robinson & one to Elder W Richards I wrote
to Phebe in Robinsons letter & gave her an account of
all the letters I had sent her
~ Friday
6th I mailed the Letter to Robison & Phebe at
the American Coffe House. I recieved a letter fro[m] E Bromley we wrote her one in return I wrote one letter to John Cheese, & one to Sam Samuel Jones in answer to thers. I attended a
Funeral in Saint Luke's Church, herd the parson read
a funeral ceremony which was solumn, & he commi
tted the body to the tomdb with the fullest assurance
that she would arise in the first resurrection &
have part in a cele[s]tial glory, & evry infidel in england
is buried under the same cerimony this was in
the largest Parish Church in London. John Wesley preach[ed]
in it when he was living
~ Wednesday
Nov 4th [FIGURE] We received 3 Letters I received one from Elder
John Cheese containing a post office order of £2.10 a dona
tion from the Saints we received one letter from O. pratt
& one from Emma Cordon. We wrote one to O Pratt &
[FIGURE] one to Osmond Shaw & one to Rowley
~ Thursday
5th The Efagy of Guydo Guido Fawkes is before our door
this morning attended by about 100 boys they are
carrying him through the streets of London in
memory of the great gun powder plot on the 5 of Nov
1605. I received two letters one from Elder
Samuel Jones containing £1 & good news
[FIGURE] {Phebe} I received a letter from Phebe & Elder Wm
Clark which gave me great joy it was Dated
Sept 8th 1840 Mrs Woodruff bears her affliction
with patience & resignation, having lost one child,
& the other is sick, but her own health is quite good
at present she is at Father Clarks & comfortable for
temporal things. Elder Wm O. Clark says do not
trouble yourself about Phebe & little Willford for they
shall not want any thing that I can bestow & may
God hold it as an everlasting covenant between me &
thee. He further says the temporal state of the
church was never in a more prosper state than at the
present time. No mobing at the present time in the
country but gathering vary rapid a number of
families arived from England. Phebe had had
an interview with Br Wm Benbow
[FIGURE] we wrote two letters one to Elder Geo. W.
Robinson & one to Elder W Richards I wrote
to Phebe in Robinsons letter & gave her an account of
all the letters I had sent her
~ Friday
6th I mailed the Letterto Robison & Phebe at
the American Coffe House. I recieved a letter from
E Bromley we wrote her one in return
[FIGURE] I wrote one letter to John Cheese, & one to
Samuel Jones in answer to thers. I attended a
Funeral in Saint Luke's Church, herd the parson read
a funeral ceremony which was solumn, & he commi
tted the body to the tomd with the fullest assurance
that she would arise in the first resurrection &
have part in a celestial glory, & evry infidel in england
is buried under the same cerimony this was in
the largest Parish Church in London. John Wesley preached
in it when he was living
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," November 4, 1840 - November 6, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,