I wrote 3 letters one to Br & Sister Richards one
to P. P. Pratt one to Whittaker. I preached in the after
noon in the Academy to about 30 & in the evening
to about 50 we broke bread unto the Saints
& their seems to be some interest manifest among the
people this evening in inquiring into the subject I
pray the Lord to open our way before us
~ Monday
2nd J H I received two letter[s] one from my Mothe[r] Woodruff who informs me that Uncle Joseph Hart
is Dead he Died
[several lines blank]
I also received one letter from Elder John Rowley I wrote a long family letter to Father Woodruff
family in answer to their[s] of Farmington Sept 30th
I printed it all & spoke upon a great variety of things
~ Tuesday
3rd We recieved one letter from Osmond Shaw
Elder Smith & myself again visited the British Musieum
I having formed a private or intimite aqcquaint
ance with Mr W. Palmer the keeper of the Egyptian
Antiquities & It being a private day not open to
public exibition he accompanied us through the vario
us appartment & spent several hours in explaini-
ng to us the most important things relating to th
e whole collection of Egyptiam Jewish Greek & Rom
[a]n antiquities which were vary interesting
Among the hundreds of thousands of things exhibited in
thes gallery's of Antiquities, Is the Portland Vase which
was found about the middle of the sixteenth century two
miles & a half from Rome in the road leading from Frasca-
ti which is the ownly thing of the kind now knowm
in the world. We also saw Napolian Bonaparts private
Snuff Box which cost 300 Guinea's. We saw the Tomb
of Allexander the great. The head of Nero & Trajan the
God Ammom. Lamps from Babylon, a piece of the Tower
of babel, many relics from the ruins of Herculaneum and
Pompei &c
[FIGURE] I wrote 3 letters one to Br & Sister Richards one
to P.P. Pratt one to Whittaker. I preached in the after
noon in the Academy to about 30 & in the evening
to about 50 we broke bread unto the Saints
& their seems to be some interest manifest among the
people this evening in inquiring into the subject I
pray the Lord to open our way before us
~ Monday
2nd [FIGURE] JH I received two letters one from my Mother
Woodruff who informs me that Uncle Joseph Hart
is Dead he Died
blank space
I also received one letter from Elder John Rowley
[FIGURE] I wrote a long family letter to Father Woodruff
family in answer to theirs of Farmington Sept 30th
I printed it all & spoke upon a great variety of things
~ Tuesday
3rd We recieved one letter from Osmond Shaw
Elder Smith & myself again visited the British Musieum
I having formed a private or intimite acquaint
ance with Mr W. Palmer the keeper of the Egyptian
Antiquities & It being a private day not open to
public exibition he accompanied us through the vario
us appartment & spent several hours in explaining to us the most important things relating to th
e whole collection of Egyptiam Jewish Greek & Rom
an antiquities which were vary interesting
Among the hundreds of thousands of things exhibited in
thes gallery's of Antiquities, Is the Portland Vase which
was found about the middle of the sixteenth century two
miles & a half from Rome in the road leading from Frascati which is the ownly thing of the kind now known
in the world. We also saw Napolian Bonaparts private
Snuff Box which cost 300 Guinea's. We saw the Tomb
of Allexander the great. The head of Nero & Trajan the
God Ammom. Lamps from Babylon, a piece of the Tower
of babel, many relics from the ruins of Herculaneum and
Pompei &c
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," November 1, 1840 - November 3, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/5oB