In the fall of 1840 in the city of
Ohio ther appeared a larg Ball of fire over the city
about the size of the moon apparently, at about
2 o'clock in the morning, [FIGURES] this ball of fire burst sudd-
enly causing a vary loud report, and the broken
peaces flew in all directions like blazing meteors.
The earth shook like an aspen & the [FIGURE] moon turned
as black as ink.
"Again soon after the repres
entatives of our nation had assembled in Congress
Hall at in the fall of (1840) the great
chanduelier in the Representatives Hall weighing
abought six thousand pounds fell with a tremendous
crash & broke into a thousand atoms. At about
the same time the female figure representing
the goddess of liberty on the east side of the
capitol holding the balances in haone hand & the cap
of liberty in the other, lost her hand which held
the balances; it broke of itself just below the
elbow & the balances fell. If these things hab [had] been
seen by the Ancient Romans they would have
considerd them ominous of their national light
going out and justice falling to the earth.
After General was elected President
of the United States A body of citizens a line
suspended a line across the road in which
the President was to walk this line contained
or supported 27 flags one for each of the
states; as General Harrison was passing under
thes colors the line parted in the centre one
half fell into the street towards the north & the
other half towards the south as much as to say
the states would be divided
President Harrison Died on the 4th April 1841
just one month after he took the chair He
is the first President that has Died in the United
States while filling the Presidential office. [FIGURE]
The New Haven Palladium says A trumpet was
blown in that city in Jan 1841 twice in 24 hours for
many Days which caused much alarm
In the fall of 1840 in the city of
Ohio ther appeared a larg Ball of fire over the city
about the size of the moon apparently, at about
2 o'clock in the morning, FIGURES this ball of fire burnt suddenly causing a vary loud report, and the broken
peaces flew in all directions like blazing meteors.
The earth shook like an aspen & the [FIGURE] moon turned
as black as ink.
"Again soon after the repres
entatives of our nation had assembled in Congress
Hall at in the fall of (1840) the great
chandelier in the Representatives Hall weighing
abought six thousand pounds fell with a tremendous
crash & broke into a thousand atoms. At about
the same time the female figure representing
the goddess of liberty on the east side of the
capitol holding the balances in one hand & the cap
of liberty in the other, lost her hand which held
the balances; it broke of itself just below the
elbow & the balances fell. If these things had been
seen by the ancient Romans they would have
considerd them ominous of their national light
going out and justice falling to the earth.
After General was elected President
of the United States a body of citizens
suspended a line across the road in which
the President was to walk this line contained
or supported 27 flags one for each of the
states; as General Harrison was passing under
thes colors the line parted in the centre one
half fell into the street towards the north & the
other half towards the south as much as to say
the states would be divided
President Harrison Died on the 4thApril 1841
just one month after he took the chair. He
is the first President that has Died in the United
States while filling the Presidential office. [FIGURE]
The New Haven Palladium says a trumpet was
blown in that city in Jan 1841 twice in 24 hours for
many Days which caused much alarm