hendered a short time in looking for a suitable place for Baptizing
a man by the name of Pitt came to us filled with the Devil
& wrath at the head of a mob & commanded us not to Be Baptized
in that river & threatened us much if we did so. Elder Richard
Preached to Mr Pitt & warned him to repent & be Baptized
or he could not be saved. But the Devel raged to such
a degree in this man & his company we thought it wisdom
to omit it on this occasion. We did so & retired & went
our way, with this wicked man & the rest of the mob follow-
ing us shouting, hooting, & yelling as though a part of hell
at least had broke loose. the Saints were strengthened seeing
that they were not of the world but the world hated them
& we also went our way rejoicing that we were counting
worthy to partake of thes things. We clensed our feet
by the way side as a testimony against Mr Pitt for rejecting
our testimony, & forbiding, & hindering, others from Entering
into the kingdom of God. may the will of God be done conserning
that man, I pray that we may ever be reconciled to his
will in all things. We walked to Froom hill & found Br
& sister Benbows both in Better spirits than I have ever
seen them before. I Baptized one, & administered unto
one that was sick spent the night at Brother Benbows 8 [miles]
Total 2 Baptized one confirmed one healed
~ Saturday
June 20th I spent the day in company with Elders Richards & Kington in making arangments for the
conference it was an exceding busy day we had a
great variety of busyiness on hand among the rest I
Baptized 8 Persons & we confirmed 14 administer[in]g
to 2 that were sick. Elder Richards received 2
letters I Blessed 3 children. The power of God is among
the people the Lord is making a short work in this
part of the Land. the churches in this part of
the vineyard now number more than 500 souls
whare a little more ^less^ than four months since ther
was not one to be found or the fulness of the
Gospel herd. Praise the Lord O my soul for all
his goodness to the children of men, prase ye the
Lord O his Saints. spent the night at Br Benbows
hendered a short time in looking for a suitable place for Baptizing
a man by the name of Pitt came to us filled with the Devil
& wrath at the head of a mob & commanded us not to Baptized
in that river & threatened us much if we did so. Elder Richard
Preached to Mr Pitt & warned him to repent & be Baptized
or he could not be saved. But the Devel raged to such
a degree in this man & his company we thought it wisdom
to omit it on this occasion. We did so & retired & went
our way, with this wicked man & the rest of the mob following us shouting, hooting, & yelling as though a part of hell
at least had broke loose. the Saints were strengthened seeing
that they were not of the world but the world hated them
& we also went our way rejoicing that we were counting
worthy to partake of thes things. We clensed our feet
by the way side as a testimony against Mr Pitt for rejecting
our testimony, & forbiding, & hindering, others from Entering
into the kingdom of God. may the will of God be done conserning
that man, I pray that we may ever be reconciled to his
will in all things. We walked to Froom hill & found Br
& sister Benbows both in Better spirits than I have ever
seen them before. I Baptized one, & administered unto
one that was sick spent the night at Brother Benbows 8
Total 2 Baptized one confirmed one healed
~ Saturday
June 20th I spent the day in company with Elders
Richards & Kington in making arangments for the
conference it was an exceding busy day we had a
great variety of business on hand among the rest I
Baptized 8 Persons & we confirmed 14 administering
to 2 that were sick. Elder Richards received 2
letters I Blessed 3 children. The power of God is among
the People the Lord is making a short work in this
part of the Land. the Churches in this part of
the vineyard now number than 500 souls
whare a little less than four months since ther
was not one to be found or the fulness of the
Gospel herd. Praise the Lord O my Soul for all
his goodness to the children of men, Prase ye the
Lord O his Saints spent the night at Br Benbows
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"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," June 19, 1840 - June 20, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/80g