A Remarckable Vision
I wife of of the Town
of England had the following vision on the
12th Day of March in the year of our Lord 1840.
Being carried away in a vision to the place of depart
ed souls I saw 12 one above another vary
large & builded of solled stone. On ariving at the door
of the uppermost prision, I behoeld of the 12 Apostles
of the who had been in America
standing at the door of the prision holding a key with
which he unlocked the door & went in & I followed
him. He appeared to be of a large size thick set. Dark hair
Dark eyes & eyebrows of a smileing countenance, & on
his head was a crown of Gold or sumthing brighter.
He was Dressed in a long white robe with the sleeves
plaited from the sholder to the hand. Upon his breast
were four stars [FIGURE] apparrently like gold and a golden
gridle about his loins. his feet were bear from above
the ancles downwards and his hands were also bear.
As he entered the prision he seemed to stand about
3 feet from the floor (which was of Marble) as if
the place was not worthy for him to stand upon. A
vary ^brilient^ and glorious light serrounded him while the
rest of the prision was dark. But his light was pecu-
liar to himself & did not reflect upon others who were
in the prison who were surrounded with a gloom of darkne
ss. On the right hand near the door stood
who on seeing the glorious Personage raised both hands
& shouted Glory, honor, Praise, & Power be asscribed
unto God & the Lamb forever & forever Deliverence has
come. The Apostle then commenced to preach the
Baptism of repentance for remission of sins and the
gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.
When the hunderds of prisoners gave a shout with a
loud voice saying Glory be to God forever & ever
The marble floor was then removed & a river of water
clear as cristle seemed to flow in its place. The Apostle
then called to John Westley by name who came forw-
ard quickley and both went down into the water &
he Baptized him & coming up out of the water he
laid hands on him for the gift of the Holy Ghost at the
same time ordaining him to the of
The Apostle then retired to the place whare he stood at
A Remarkable Vision
I wife of of the Town
of England had the following vision on the
12th Day of March in the year of our Lord 1840.
Being carried away in a vision to the place of depart
ed souls I saw 12 prision one above another vary
large & builded of solled stone. On ariving at the door
of the uppermost prision. I beheld one of the 12 Apostles
of the Lamb who had been martered in America
Standing at the door of the prision holding a key with
which he unlocked the door & went in & I followed
him. He appeared to be of a large size thick set. Dark hair
Dark eyes & eyebrows of a smileing countenance, & on
his head was a Crown of Gold or sumthing brighter.
He was Dressed in a long white robe with the sleeves
plaited from the sholder to the hand. Upon his breast
were four stars * * * * apparrently like gold and a golden
gridle about his loins. his feet were bear from above
the ancles downwards and his hands were also bear.
As he entered the prision he seemed to stand about
3 feet from the floor (which was of Marble) as if
the place was not worthy for him to stand upon. A
vary brilient and glorious light serrounded him while the
rest of the Prision was dark. But his light was peculiar to himself & did not reflect upon others who were
in the Prison who were surrounded with a gloom of darkne
ss. On the right hand near the door stood
who on seeing the glorious Personage raised both hands
& shouted Glory, honor. Praise, & Power be asscribed
unto God & the Lamb forever & forever Deliverence has
Come. The Apostle then Commenced to Preach the
Baptism of repentance for remission of Sins and the
gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.
When the hunderds of Prisoners gave a shout with a
loud voice saying Glory be to God forever & ever
The marble floor was then removed & a river of water
clear as Cristle seemed to flow in its place. The Apostle
then called to John Westley by name who came forward quickley and both went down into the water &
he Baptized him & coming up out of the water he
laid hands on him for the gift of the Holy Ghost at the
same time ordaining him to the Priesthood of
The Apostle then retired to the place whare he stood at