Elder W. Woodruff arose and addressed the Assembly
from Amos 3 ch. 7 v. "'Surely the Lord God will do nothing
but he revealeth thehis secret unto his servants the prophets.'
Aaccording to the testimony of the scriptures in all ages of the
world, whenever God was about to bring a judgment upon the
world or accomplish any great work, the first thing he did
was to raise up a Prophet, and reveal unto him histhe secretst, and
send him to warn the people so that they may be left without excuse.
This was the case in the days of Noah and Lot: God was about
to bring judgments upon the people, and he raised up a ^those^ prophets, and ^who^ warned them ^people^ of it; yet they gave no heed to them, but rejected
their testimony; and the judjgments came upon them ^the people^ so that they
were destroyed, while the prophets were saved by pursuing the
course marked out by the Lord. Jesus Christ testified to the
Jews of the things that awaited them as a nation—the fall of Jerusalem, and their dispersion among the Gentile world; but they
did not believe it. Yet the secret of all these things were revealed
to the Prophets and Apostles; and they believed it, and looked for
its fulfilment; and it came to pass as it was predicted, though
contrary to the expectation of the Jewish nation. In like manner
do we look for the certain fulfilment of those tremendous events
upon the heads of the Gentile world, which have been spoken of,
and pointed out by all the Holy Prophets and Apostles since the
world began, they having spoken as they were moved upon by the
power of God and the gift of the hHoly Ghost: events which more
deeply concern the Gentile world, than the overthrow of Jerusalem
and the dispersion of the Jews did the Jewish nation; for while
Elder W. Woodruff addressed the Assembly
from Amos 3 ch. 7 v. "'Surely the Lord God will do nothing
but he revealethhis secret unto his servants the prophets.'
According to the testimony of the scriptures in all ages of the
world, whenever God was about to bring a judgment upon the
world or accomplish any great work, the first thing he did
was to raise up a Prophet, and reveal unto himthe secrets, and
send him to warn the people so that they may be left without excuse.
This was the case in the days of Noah and Lot: God was about
to bring judgments upon the people, and he raised up those prophets,
who warned the people of it; yet they gave no heed to them, but rejected
their testimony; and the judgments came upon the people so that they
were destroyed, while the prophets were saved by pursuing the
cours marked out by the Lord. Jesus Christ testified to the
Jews of the things that awaited them as a nation—the fall of
Jerusalem, and their dispersion among the Gentile world; but they
did not believe it. Yet the secret of all these things were revealed
to the Prophets and Apostles; they believed it, and looked for
its fulfilment; and it came to pass as it was predicted, though
contrary to the expectation of the Jewish nation. In like manner
do we look for the certain fulfilment of those tremendous events
upon the heads of the Gentile world, which have been spoken of,
and pointed out by all the Holy Prophets and Apostles since the
world began, they having spoken as they were moved upon by the
Power of God and the gift of the Holy Ghost: events which more
deeply concern the Gentile world, than the overthrow of Jerusalem
and the dispersion of the Jews did the Jewish nation; for while
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