Aug 14, 1873 [FIGURE] In company with G. A. SmithD. H. Wells & several
of the Board of the D A & M Society & Mr Henry T Williams
& all his Editorial Party we took cars on the Utah southern
rail road & rode to the Junction of the narrow gage to Granite
we there took a car & rode up the Mountain to the Granix
Station & there saw 75 or a 100 men splitting up into
Blocks large Granite bolders 30 feet high & all these
bolders when split up were loaded on to flat cars
& landed on the Temple block in Salt Lake City a distance
of some 20 miles we arived back in the city at 7 oclok
& at 8 oclok we met the Party at the City Hall with G A
Smith, Mayor Wells, G. Q. Cannon, the board of Directors
G Q Cannon was called to the chair & made a few
opening remarks W. Woodruff presented a written Address
as President of the D. A. & M. Society which was read by D Mckenzie then followed a speech from Mr Willi[a]ms
followed By President G. A. Smith, Mr Hoops, then
Mr S. R. Wells partner of Mr Fowlers the Phrenologist
Gen Barnum then spoke The party then retired to the rep-
resentatives Hall whare they partook of a fine colle[c]tion
of fruits &c while the party was there A company of childr[en]
came into the Hall under the Direction of Prof C. J. Thomas sang
some nice peaces to the Enjoyment of the party Mr Coleman
made a vary able speech followed by Hon Thomas Fitch the party
left abot 12 oclok Distance of the day 50 [miles]
Aug 14, 1873
FIGURES In company with G. A. SmithD. H. Wells & several
of the Board of the D A & M Society & Mr Henry T Williams
& all his Editorial Party we took cars on the Utah southern
rail road & rode to the Junction of the narrow gage to Granite
we there took a car & rode up the Mountain to the Granix
Station & there saw 75 or a 100 men splitting up into
Blocks large Granite bolders 30 feet high & all these
bolders when split up were loaded on to flat cars
& landed on the Temple block in Salt Lake City a distance
of some 20 miles we arived back in the city at 7 oclok
& at 8 oclok we met the Party at the City Hall with G A
Smith, Mayor Wells, G. Q. Cannon, the board of Directors
G Q Cannon was called to the Chair & made a few
opening remarks W. Woodruff presented a written Address
as President of the D. A. & M. Society which was read by
D Mckenzie then followed a speech from Mr Williams
followed By President G. A. Smith, Mr Hoops, then
Mr S. R. Wells partner of Mr Fowlers the Phrenologist
Gen Barnum then spoke. The party then retired to the representatives Hall whare they partook of a fine collection
of fruits &c While the party was there A company of children
came into the Hall under the Direction of Prof C. J. Thomas sang
some nice peaces to the Enjoyment of the party Mr Coleman
made a vary able speech followed by Hon Thomas Fitch the party
left abot 12 oclok Distance of the day 50
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," August 14, 1873 - August 15, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025,