June 11, 1878
to eat or drink. Prizes were distributed as follows to Catherine
Wilson the oldest person 96 years of age Then Wm Wild 95.
Also to 54 person femals who had Yoked & unyoked 2 yoke
of Oxen & driven them across the plains. Also to 5 oldest
persons who had drawn a hand cart across the plains The
next prizes were to old Ladies who had 20 childn & Ann Moss 65 years of age married 50 years had born 21 children. Elizabeth Taylor had born 14 children & had
600 Grand childrn & Great Grand children. P Green Taylor
51 years of age took the prize as having the most childrn of any
one man in the company number 36. Wilford Woodruff took
the prize as having Baptized & brought the most people into
the Church numbering over 2000. A foot race was run
By Wm Barnes 89, Elias Adams 86, & Thomas Edwards
86. 100 yards Thomas Edwards took the prize speeches
were made By Mayor Farr Bishop Hunter W Woodruff
& John Taylor At the close the services the veicles carryed
all the company back to the cars and we all arived
home in the Evening with Joy and Rejoicing without
any Accident all felt well I had my oldest
Brother Azmon Woodruff & his Wife Elizabeth
with me distance of the [day] 120 Mils
~ Wednesday
12 I receivd No 9 & wrote 26 to J G Bleak I Also attended the funeral of Porter Rockwell
at the 14 ward school houseJoseph F Smith preached
the funeral sermon I bore Testimony. At the close I
went to the field & spent the night 6 M[iles]
~ Thursday
13. I spent the day with my boys Hoeing corn & potatoes
June 11, 1878
to eat or drink. Prizes were distributed as follows to Catherine
Wilson the oldest person 96 years of age Then Wm Wild 95.
Also to4 person femals who had Yoked & unyoked 2 yoke
of Oxen & driven them across the plains. Also to 5 oldest
persons who had drawn a hand cart across the plains The
next prizes were to old Ladies who had 20 childn &
Ann Moses 65 years of age married 50 years had born
21 children. Elizabeth Taylor had born 14 children & had
600 Grand childrn & Great Grand children. P Green Taylor
51 years of age took the prize as having the most childrn of any
one man in the company number 36. Wilford Woodruff took
the prize as having Baptized & brought the most people into
the Church numbering over 2000. A foot race was run
By Wm Barnes 89, Elias Adams 86, & Thomas Edwards
86. 100 yards Thomas Edwards took the prize speeches
were made By Mayor Farr Bishop Hunter W Woodruff
& John Taylor At the close the services the veicles carryed
all the company back to the cars and we all arived
home in the Evening with Joy and Rejoicing without
any Accident all felt well I had my oldest
Brother Azmon Woodruff & his Wife Elizabeth
with me distance of the day 120 Mils
~ Wednesday
12 FIGURES I receivd No 9 & wrote 26 to J G Bleak
[FIGURE] I Also attended the funeral of Porter Rockwell
at the 14 ward school houseJoseph F Smith preached
the funeral sermon I bore Testimony. At the close I
went to the field & spent the night 6 Miles
~ Thursday
13. I spent the day with my boys Hoeing corn & potatoes
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," June 12, 1878 - June 13, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 29, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/KZ9M