Laws of Our god Now who shall we ^do^ obey God or
Man. My voice is we shall obey God, we have but
a short time to live here, we have a long Eternity to live
on the other side of the veil. This position takes the
Matter ouentirely out of our hands, the warefare now is
between God and the Nation. I am an American
Citizen I was born and raised in the state of Connecticut
I wish to Ask the Law Makers and Judges a few
questions. By what power was Columbus inspired to
plead before the courts of Europe to assist him to fit out
a fleet to cross the ocean, to find a western continent
By what power was He protected untill He accomplished
this. By what Power was our forefathers inspired to cross
the ocean to inherit this land, and when they had inher-
ited the land, and the yoak of bondage laid upon their necks
by their Mother Country to grieveious to be bourrn they
rose up as a Nation and Declaired there independance
and passed through an Eight years war at the Expens
of much Blood and treasure, and finally maintained
their Independance and Esstablished a free and
Independant Government which was acknowledged
by the Nations of the Earth. By what power was the Constitution of the United States inspired formed
framed, and Adopted as the Supreme Law of the Land
to be handed down as a rich Legacy to their posterity
from Generation to Generation All these Blessings have
been obtained by the Inspiration of Almighty God, and
the will of heaven. This glorious instrument
Laws of Our god Now who shall we obey God or
Man. My voice is we shall obey God, we have but
a short time to live here we have a long Eternity to live
on the other side of the Veil. This position takes the
Matterentirely out of our hands, the warefare now is
between God and the Nation. I am an American
Citizen I was born and raised in the State of Connecticut
I wish to Ask the Law Makers and Judges a few
questions. By what power was Columbus inspired to
plead before the courts of Europe to assist him to fit out
a fleet to cross the ocean, to find a western continent
By what power was He protected untill He accomplished
this. By what Power was our forefathers inspired to cross
the ocean to inherit this land, and when they had inherited the land, and the yoak of bondage laid upon their necks
by their Mother Country to grieveious to be born they
rose up as a Nation and Declaired there independance
and passed through an Eight years war at the Expens
of much Blood and treasure, and finally maintained
their Independance and Esstablished a free and
Independant Government which was acknowledged
by the Nations of the Earth. By what power was the
Constitution of the United States inspired formed
framed, and Adopted as the Supreme Law of the Land
to be handed down as a rich Legacy to their posterity
from Generation to Generation All these Blessings have
been obtained by the Inspiration of Almighty God, and
the will of heaven. This glorious instrument
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 26, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,