22 feet thick over the powder when it exploded it
raised the pile of rocks & Earth about 12 feet high
then it fell, broaken in Fragments Estimated at
3000 yards which was ready to be shoveled into
waggons and removed After Holding a council and
deciding to build the Temple of rock and paint it
instead of plastering and taking dinner we
returned to Moronit distance of the day 248 Miles 20I received and sent 2 telegrams. We held a Meeting at Moroni
in the Evening Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & W Woodruff
30 Minuts spent the night at Brother Irons
~ Tuesday
20 We left Moroni 9:30 & rode through the canyon to Nephi a vary cold wind struct us in the face and we
were all vary Much chilled. We held a Meeting with
the female Relief Society in the Evening. W Woodruff spoke
one hour followed By L Snow 30 Miles
~ Wednesday
21 We took coach rode 15 Miles to York there met O pratt & wife Miss Mary E Cook & L W Hardy I got
them passage to Nephi. I took the cars & returned to Salt Lake City and spent the night at home 95 M[iles]
~ Thursday
22 I went to the office and received 9 Letters
35 to 38, from various persons I wrote 4 Letters to David], Roskelly, Hatch, & Hunter 44. I spent a part of the day with Taylor & Nuttall and the Evening with Elias Smith
~ Friday
223. I received 39, & wrote 45 I spent most of the day in
the Historians office I also wrote 46.
~ Saturday
24. I received 1 letter No 40 wrote 1 Letter No 47. I had
a plesant interview with G Q Cannon on Church business
Nov 19 1877
22 feet thick over the powder when it Exploded it
raised the pile of Rocks & Earth about 12 feet high
then it fell broaken in Fragments Estimated at
3000 yards which was Ready to be shoveled into
waggons and Removed After Holding a council and
deciding to build the Temple of Rock and paint it
instead of Plastering and taking dinner we
Returned to Moronit distance of the day 28 Miles
IReceived and sent 2 telegrams we held a Meeting at Moroni
in the Evening Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & W Woodruff
30 Minuts spent the night at Brother Irons
~ Tuesday
20 We left Moroni 9.30 & rode through the canyon to
Nephi a vary cold wind struct us in the face and we
were all vary Much chilled we held a Meeting with
the female Relief Society in the Evening W Woodruff spoke
one hour followed By L Snow 30 Miles
~ Wednesday
21 we took coach rode 15 Miles to York there met
O pratt & wife Miss Mary E Cook & L W Hardy I got
them passage to Nephi. I took the cars & returned to
Salt Lake City and spent the night at home 95 Miles
~ Thursday
22 FIGURES I went to the Office and Received 9 Letters
35 to 38, from various persons I wrote 4 Letters to Rand,
Roskelly, Hatch, & Hunter 44. I spent a part of the day with
Taylor & Nuttall and the Evening with Elias Smith
~ Friday
23. FIGURES I Received 39, & wrote 45 I spent most of the day in
the Historians office I also wrote 46.
~ Saturday
24. FIGURES I received 1 letter No 40 wrote 1 Letter No 47. I had
a plesant interview with G Q Cannon on Church business
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," November 19, 1877 - November 24, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/VPnv