were in his house he has boldly stood up in defence
of the faith bore record of the truth of the
work & faithfully warned his Brethren to
obey the gospel, he is making evry preperation to
gather with the Saints & help as many as he can to
Do the same. Sister Ann appears willing to do the
same, But has some fears that her Brothers will
hender her getting ready & gathering with the
Saints. She wishes me to Pray that God will
deliver her. As I bid her farewell she put into
my hands £05 A crown & A Peace of paper containing
the following lines. To my Dear Friend
Oh say not we are Parted
While our souls can meet in prayer
Whilst there is a throne of love
And one hope unites us there
When the first light of the morning
First tints the east with red
I pray that heavens best blessings
May be showerd on thy head
And when evening's lengthning shadows
Recall the hour of Prayer
There is no mercy that I crave
But thy Dearname is there
(Good Bye)
When from the friend we dearly love
Fate tels us we must part
By words we can but febly prove
The anguish of the heart [FIGURES]
And in soft words how'er sincere
Can half so much imply
As that suppressed & trembling tear
Which drowns the word good bye
The oceans may between us rool
And distant be our lot
Ah 'tho we part to meet no more DearFriendforgetmenot
A Ockey
A. O. to W. Woodruff
I then walked to Frooms Hill conversed with
the Elders untill 2 oclock I then took the parting hand
with Elders L. RichardsT. Kington, Kay & others, & took
about 20 lbs wait oin my travelling bag & walked 15 miles
in four hours, to Worcester when I arived there I was
so vary lame with my heavy load & fast walking that
I could scercely walk. I then took the rail road &
arived in Birmingham at 10 oclock was exceding lame
& weary I spent the night with Elder James Riley,
chair maker 24 Park street Birmingham {Distance of the day} 40 m
~ Wednesday
24th I visited the Brass foundery in Birmigham then
travled to west Bromwich & called to Br Smiths then
to Greets Green & spent the evening at Br Walkers
I administered to 6 that were sick, returned & spent
the night at Br Smith {Distance of the day} 10 miles
were in his house he has boldly stood up in defence
of the faith bore record of the truth of the
work & faithfully warned his Brethren to
obey the gospel, he is making evry preperation to
gather with the Saints & help as many as he can to
Do the same. Sister Ann appears willing to do the
same. But has some fears that her Brothers will
hender her getting ready & gathering with the
saints she wishes me to Pray that God will
deliver her. As I bid her farewell she put into
my hands £0.5 A Crown & A Peace of paper containing
the following lines. To my Dear Friend
Oh say not we are Parted
While our souls can meet in prayer
Whilst there is a throne of love
And one hope unites us there
When the first light of the morning
First tints the east with red
I pray that heavens best blessings
May be showerd on thy head
And when evening's lengthning shadows
Recall the hour of Prayer
There is no mercy that I crave
But thy Dearname is there
(Good Bye)
When from the friend we dearly love
Fate tels us we must part
By words we can but febly prove
The anguish of the heart
And in soft words how'er sincere
Can half so much imply
As that suppressed & trembling tear
Which drowns the word good bye
The oceans may between us rool
And distant be our lot
Ah 'tho we part to meet no more
Dear Friend forget menot
A. O. to W. Woodruff A Ockey
I then walked to Frooms Hill. Conversed with
the Elders untill 2 oclock I then took the parting hand
with Elders L. RichardsT. Kington, Kay & others, & took
about 20 lbs wait in my travelling bag & walked 15 miles
in four hours, to worcester when I arived there I was
so vary lame with my heavy load & fast walking that
I could scercely walk. I then took the rail road &
arived in Birmingham at 10 oclock was exceding lame
& weary I spent the night with Elder James Riley,
chair maker 24 Park street Birmingham {Distance of the day} 40 m
~ Wednesday
24th I visited the Brass foundery in Birmigham then
travled to west Bromwich & called to Br Smiths then
to Greets Green & spent the evening at Br Walkers
I administered to 6 that were sick, returned & spent
the night at Br Smith {Distance of the day} 10 miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," March 23, 1841 - March 24, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/kPN