imprisionment of Mr MC Cleod a British officer
in Lockport Jail by the Inhabitants of the state of New York who are trying him for Arson & Murder
& are determined to execute him if found guilty
this accusation is for the Burning of the Caroline
on lake Erie in 1837 during the troubles in Canida England considers it a National & not an individ-
ual affair & that Mr MC Cleod acted in those
transactions by order of the British Government &
not upon his own responsibility, & under these consi-
derations Parliament is determined to demand his
release & defend his life even at the expens of an
immediat war with America; Parliament has
sent a special message & orders to the British Ambas
sador at Washington what course to persue in the
case. what will be the end of this matter time must
determin. One thing is certain, if America
haszards a war with England, she will find it to be
more than a Joke to meet so strong a foe & one tha[t]
is armed to the teeth for war, should truth speak she
would represent England liturally at the present time
the strongest among the Nations, & chief in power
& the main spring of the Gentile world, & she will
remain a little season as an instrument in the hands
of God, of Bringing to pass great events, in the resto-
ration of the Jews, & will be a scourge to the surro
unding Nations America not excepted, Not because
she is more virtueous or wrighteous, than the Nations
that surround her for in the midst of all her prof
essed wrighteousness her sins have reached unto
heaven & God hath remembered her iniquities
& she will soon feel the chastning hand of the
Almighty, & will fall in her turn & great will be
the fall thereoff. therefore O England thou chief
of the Nations of Baybylon prepare for thy DOOM
But O!! America America!! whose land is choice
above that of all the footstool of God, whose constit-
ution was framed by the spirit of inspiration
& whose Government was esstablished by the hand
hand of Omnipotent power, In the midst of thy
meekness, humility & virtue thou was oppressed in
thy weekness & unjustly grieved by thy mother
imprisionment of Mr M C. Cleod a British Officer
in Lockport Jail by the Inhabitants of the state of
New York who are trying him for Arson & Murder
& are determined to execute him if found guilty
this accusation is for the Burning of the Caroline
on lake Erie in 1837 during the troubles in CanidaEngland considers it a national & not an individual affair & that Mr MCCleod acted in those
transactions by order of the British Government &
not upon his own responsibility, & under these considerations Parliament is determined to demand his
release & defend his life even at the expens of an
immediat war with America; Parliament has
sent a special message & orders to the British Ambas
sador at washington what course to persue in the
case. what will be the end of this matter time must
determin. One thing is certain, if America
haszards a war with England, She will find it to be
more than a Joke to meet so strong a foe & one that
is armed to the teeth for war, should truth speak She
would represent England liturally at the present time
the strongest among the nations, & chief in power
& the main spring of the Gentile world, & she will
remain a little season as an instrument in the hands
of God, of bringing to pass great events, in the restoration of the Jews, & will be a scourge to the surro
unding nations America not excepted, not because
she is more virtueous or wrighteous, than the nations
that surround her for in the midst of all her prof
essed wrighteousness her sins have reached unto
heaven & God hath remembered her iniquities
& she will soon feel the chastning hand of the
Almighty, & will fall in her turn & great will be
the fall thereof. therefore O, England thou chief
of the nations of Babylon prepare for thy DOOM
But O!! America America!! whose land is choice
above that of all the footstool of God, whose constitution was framed by the Spirit of inspiration
& whose Government was esstablished by the
hand of Omnipotent power, In the midst of thy
meekness, humility & virtue thou was oppressed in
thy weekness & unjustly grieved by thy mother
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," February 12, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025,