9 The time had now come for me to take the parting hand with Elder Jonathan H. Hale we had travled together during the season about 2000
miles. I accompanied him one ^1^ mile on his Journey we retired to a grove
and knelt down and prayed together and we had a good time and after com-
mending each other to God we took the parting hand {and a kiss} he bent his
way for Kirtland while I return to the Islands of the sea. I preached at
Mr Coopers in the evening. I spent the night with him
11 Spent the night day at Father Carters writing my journal [FIGURE] note this DATE {Phebe}
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
12 & 14th I spent in writing in my Journal. I receieved two Letters one
from my Parents in farmington the other from Brother Asahel H Woodruff
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I preached at the house of Sister Sarah B Foss from Job XIX ch [blank] which included the comeing of Christ {This is the
first time I ever preached before the household of my brother-in-law and neighbors in Scarborough} I receieved
an interesting and affectionate Letter from Brother Asahel H Woo-
druff, bearing date of Terre Haute, Sept 27, 1837. {Spent the night at Father Carters}. 2 m[iles]
~ Monday
16 Spent the day in visiting Mr George Boothby{in company with Mother Carter and my wife}. 4 mi[les]
21 I receieved a letter from Kirtland from Sisters Aphia & Sarah
also a paper from Brother Asahel. I rode to Mr Joshua Mo^u^lton
& spent the night at his house {Visited Miss Woodman} distance 10 miles
~ Sunday
22 Sunday visited Brother Townsend spent the night at Mr Lowels 6 miles
~ Monday
23rd visited Brother Miliken's returned to father Carters spent the night. 10 [miles].
25 I wrote a letter to Brother Ozem Woodruff in Avon & Preached
at candlelight at the Dyer schoolhouse 6 {[miles]Foss spent the night at Father Carters}
28th I took the parting hand with my friends & rode in company with
Mrs Woodruff to Portland, we dined with Mr Ezra Carter jr
We spent several hours visiting the city, we had a fair view of
Portland from the Observatory, we walked around the fort & through
the burying ground & in the courthouse. We visited Mr Samuel Hale
and spent the night with Ezra Carter jr Esq distance of the day 14 miles
^Purchased Journal Portland^
~ Sunday
29 Sunday we rode to the wharf & went on board the steamer Bangor at
6 AM there being a high sea she did not go out. I attended meeting in
the evening at the Prysbeterian church and herd a lecture deliverd
by the Rev. John W. Chickering. I returned to Mr Carters, was made
acquainted with Col Arnold Carroll and Judge Upham Spent the night
at Ezra Carters Esq 6 miles
~ Saturday
Oct 7th Spent the day visiting the Saco branch of church, the night at fathers 23 miles
9 The time had now come for me to take the parting hand with Elder
Jonathan H. Hale we had travled together during the season about 2000
miles. I accompanied him one 1 mile on his Journey we retired to a grove
and knelt down and prayed together and we had a good time and after com
-mending each other to God we took the parting hand {3 shorthand words} he bent his
way for Kirtland while I return to the Islands of the sea. I preached at
Mr Coopers in the evening. I spent the night with him
11 Spent the day at Father Carters writing my journal note this DATE {shorthand}
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
12 13 & 14th I spent in writing in my Journal. I receieved two Letters one
from my Parents in farmington the other from Brother Asahel H Woodruff
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I Preached at the house of Sister Sarah B Foss from
Job XIX ch [blank] which included the comeing of Christ {This is the
first time I ever preached before the household of my brother-in-law and neighbors in Scarborough} I receieved
an interesting and affectionate Letter from Brother Asahel H Woodruff, bearing date of Terre Haute, Sept 27, 1837 {Spent the night at Father Carters.} 2 miles
21 I received a letter from Kirtland from sisters Aphia & Sarah
also a paper from Brother Asahel. I rode to Mr Joshua Moulton
& spent the night at his house. {Visited Miss Woodman.} distance 10 miles
~ Sunday
22 Sunday visited Brother Townsend spent the night at Mr Lowels 6 miles
~ Monday
23rd visited Brother Miliken's returned to father Carters spent the night. 10 miles.
28th I took the parting hand with my friends & rode in company with
Mrs Woodruff to Portland, we dined with Mr Ezra Carter jr
we spent several hours visiting the city, we had a fair view of
Portland from the observatory, we walked around the fort & through
the burying ground & in the courthouse. We visited Mr Samuel Hale
and spent the night with Ezra Carter jr Esq distance of the day 14 miles
Purchased Journal Portland
~ Sunday
29 Sunday we rode to the wharf & went on board the Steamer Bangor at
6 AM there being a high sea she did not go out. I attended meeting in
the evening at the Prysbeterian church and herd a lecture deliverd
by the Rev. John W. Chickering. I returned to Mr Carters, was made
acquainted with col Arnold Carroll and Judge Upham spent the night
at Ezra Carters Esq 6 miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," October 7, 1837 - October 29, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/q5p