God while nature was hushed in silenced by the
sable shades of night. After spending the night
in prayer we returned to our homes in the morning
intending to spend the day in prayer & fasting for
still greater blessings this being upon
~ Wednesday
April 5th I spent a part of the day in attending the
high Council the remainder in writing, prayer, &
fasting I again repaired to the upper ^lower^ part of the house of the Lord at 5 oclock PM. with the quorum
of the Seventies for a solumn assembly anointing
&c. Three out of the seven presidents were present
& anointed twelve the spirit of God sat upon us
& we were satisfied with our blessing conseque-
ntly I returned home with those brethren with
whom I had covenanted for a blessing & took some
food & retired to rest being 24 hours since we
had taken food or sleep. There was much of the
spirit of prophesy & revelation poured upon the
heads of the anointed in the diferent quorums
~ Thursday
April 6th[FIGURE] 1837. [Joseph Smith Papers Document] This being more part-
icular the day of the solumn assembly, or a day that
is looked upon an^n^ually with feeling of greater interest
in celebration of the 6th of April 1830 as upon
that day the church of Latter day Saints was first
organized in this last dispensation & fulness of times
Henceforth the solumn assembly of the Elders
of Israel & all official members that can, will meet
in the LORDS house annually to attend to the most
solumn ordinances of the house of GOD & of receiev-
ing the visions & great things of heavens. Therefore
I shall be more particular in recording the transact-
ions of this day than others for it is sumthing simil-
ar to the pentecost that St Paul speak of at Jerrusalem [Acts 2]
I repaired to the house of the
Lord at 8 oclock A.M. & after spending an hour in the
lower part of the house the presidency of the Church
God while nature was hushed in silenced by the
sable shades of night. After spending the night
in prayer we returned to our homes in the morning
intending to spend the day in prayer & fasting for
still greater blessings this being upon
~ Wednesday
April 5th I spent a part of the day in attending the
high council the remainder in writing, prayer &
fasting I again repaired to the upper lower part of the
house of the Lord at 5 oclock PM. with the quorum
of the seventies for a solumn assembly anointing
&c. Three out of the seven presidents were present
& anointed twelve the spirit of God sat upon us
& we were satisfied with our blessing consequently I returned home with those brethren with
whom I had covenanted for a blessing & took some
food & retired to rest being 24 hours since we
had taken food or sleep. There was much of the
spirit of prophesy & revelation poured upon the
heads of the anointed in the diferent quorums
~ Thursday
April. 6.th [FIGURE] 1837. This being more particular the day of the solumn assembly, or a day that
is looked upon annually with feeling of greater interest
in celebration of the 6th of April 1830 as upon
that day the church of Latter day Saints was first
organized in this last dispensation & fulness of times
Henceforth the solumn assembly of the Elders
of Israel & all official members that can, will meet
in the LORDS house annually to attend to the most
solumn ordinances of the house of GOD & of receieving the visions & great things of heavens Therefore
I shall be more particular in recording the transact
ions of this day than others for it is sumthing simil
ar to the Pentecost that St Paul speak of at Jerrusalem
I repaired to the house of the
Lord at 8 oclock A.M. & after spending an hour in the
lower part of the house the presidency of the church
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," April 4, 1837 - April 6, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/QNM