for ministers of the gospel from their quorums to
fill the vacances for preaching in this regions of
country. Wharefore it was motioned & sceconded
& carried that Presidents Marsh & Patten write
to the said Presidents for six faithful labourers
to be sent from their quorums into this part
of the country. And further resolved that
whareas Elders Woodruff & others are
about to leave this region of country for Kirtland & Zion President Marsh & Patten
write also to the Presidency of the High Priest
hood at Kirtland requesting them to send fourth
to this region of country an High Priest of their
quorum to watch over this church. Be it further
resolved s[ai]d Marsh & Patten prepare & send
a Petition to the Editor & Proprietor of the Saints
Messenger and Advocate requesting him to pub
lish in addition to the Messenger a monthly perio-
dical large enough to contain all the interesting
or edifying Letters from the Elders abroad
when conference ajourned to 10 oclock next Day
~ Saturday
Sept 3rd Conference met according to ajournment
opened by prayer & singing. The case of Lucinda
Benton was presented who was found to
have beenn illegally cut off. Wharefore
she was restored in full fellowship untill she could
get a fair trial. A short address was deliverd
from the chair on the necessity of the Tennessee
conference keeping a church reccord of all the
names belonging to the several Branches of said
conference And also the necessity of each branch
sending a Priest to represent their branch & to bear
the names before the general conference of all who
have been added since the last conference &
any that may have been blotted out
for ministers of the gospel from their quorums to
fill the vacances for preaching in this regions of
country. Wharefore it was motioned & seconded
& carried that Presidents Marsh & Patten write
to the said Presidents for six faithful labourers
to be sent from their quorums into this part
of the country. And further resolved that
whareas Elders Woodruff & others are
about to leave this region of country for
Kirtland & Zion President Marsh & Patten
write also to the Presidency of the High Priest
hood at Kirtland requesting them to send fourth
to this region of country an High Priest of their
quorum to watch over this church. Be it further
resolved said Marsh & Patten Prepare & send
a Petition to the Editor & Proprietor of the Saints
Messenger and Advocate requesting him to pub
lish in addition to the Messenger a monthly perio
dical large enough to contain all the interesting
or edifying Letters from the Elders abroad
when conference ajourned to 10 oclock next Day
~ Saturday
Sept 3rd Conference met according to ajournment
opened by prayer & singing. The case of Lucinda
Benton was presented who was found to
have beenn illegally cut off. Wharefore
she was restored in full fellowship untill she could
get a fair trial. A short address was deliverd
from the chair on the necessity of the Tennessee
Conference keeping a church record of all the
names belonging to the several Branches of said
Conference. And also the necessity of each branch
sending a Priest to represent their branch & to bear
the names before the general conference of all who
have been added since the last conference &
any that may have been blotted out.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," September 2, 1836 - September 3, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,