Further resolved by the conference that the Church
Purchase Books to keep a general record of the
Church. Also that Brother Johnston F. Lane be
chosen & appointed clerk & ordained to the
office of an Elder to keep the general Church
record of the Tennessee conference accordingly
Johnston F Lane was ordained to the office
of an Elder Also Benjamin Clapp & Randolph
Alexander ware each ordained to the
office of an Elder the above were ordai
ned under the hands of President D. W.
Patten Also Br Linzy Braidy was ordained
under the hands of Priest Benton to the office of a
Deacon. Conference adjourned untill 2 PM. then
met according to adjornment opened by singing &
Prayer after which a sermon was deliverd by
Counsellor Groves & followed by President Marsh
& then adjourned untill 10 oclock next morning.
~ Sunday
Sept 4th Opened by singing & prayer & a discours
deliverd by President D. W. Patten from these words
repent & believe the gospel Mark 1st 15 after
which 5 presented themselves for Baptism
the congregations repaired to the water whare
the ordinance of Baptism was administered unto
five persons by President Patten then the people
returned to the house & a sermon was deliverd by
President Marsh on the gifts & graces of the Church
after which the Lords supper was administered &
those that were baptized were confirmed by the laying on of hands of Counsellor Groves & this
interesting Conference closed by singing & Prayer Johnston F Lane clerk. Thomas B. Marsh, President
Elders Grooves & Boydstunheal'd by the laying on of hands
Further resolved by the conference that the church
Purchase Books to Keep a general record of the
church. Also that Brother Johnston F. Lane be
chosen & appointed clerk & ordained to the
office of an Elder to Keep the general church
record of the Tennessee conference accordingly
Johnston F Lane was ordained to the Office
of an Elder Also Benjamin Clapp & Randolph
Alexander ware each ordained to the
office of an Elder the above were ordai
ned under the hands of President D. W.
Patten Also Br Linzy Braidy was ordained
under the hands of Priest Benton to the office of a
Deacon. Conference adjourned untill 2 PM then
met according to adjornment opened by singing &
Prayer after which a sermon was deliverd by
Counsellor Groves & followed by President Marsh
& then adjourned untill 10 oclock next morning. Met
~ Sunday
Sept 4th Opened by singing & Prayer & a discours
deliverd by President D. W. Patten from these words
repent & believe the gospel Mark 1st 15 after
which 5 presented themselves for Baptism
the congregations repaired to the water whare
the ordinance of Baptism was administered unto
five persons by President Patten then the people
returned to the house & a sermon was deliverd by
President Marsh on the gifts & graces of the church
after which the Lords supper was administered &
those that were baptized were confirmed by the
laying on of hands of Counsellor Groves & this
interesting Conference closed by singing & Prayer
Johnston F Lane Clerk. Thomas B. Marsh President
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," September 3, 1836 - September 4, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/l9r