But the Dimocratit Judg Powers dont want to be out done by
a Republican Judge so he de[c]ides the Law will allow him to
bring in an Indictmen for Every day during the 3 years, which
would make 1095 indictments which would make
6570 months imprisionments or 547 1/2 years and $300 dollars
fine for Each Indictment would be $328,500 dollars
so they by this ruling they will imprision a Latter Day
Saint During Life & take all the property He has. Now comes
the last & trials of the saints. These Judges have formed a
platfore for the Elders of the church to stand upon & deside
which they will serve Either God or Baal And as they
come to trial some take one side & some the other out of
the whole Number so far up to date has been five persons
whove Deserted their wives & children, Broaken their covenants
Denyed thir religion & dishonored God, viz ArnoldC. V. Spencer
Bishop John SharpT O AngelJr & Septmas W Sears
while Bishop Clawson ^& Son^ A. M. CannonA. M. MusserP. P. Pratt Brown of OgenWatson & many others prefer to go to prision
with Honor than to have Liberty with Dishonor and this
is now the test which is to try all the Elders of Israel who
have obeyed the Celestial Law of Marriage. As a Historian
I would say I would rather be shot dead, in the streets, or
struck with lightnigng, than to Desert my children Break
my covenants turn my wives into the street & desert
them with whom I have made sacred Covenants, Deny
my religion & Dishonor God. The decision Iwe now make
will decide our Destiny for all time & Eternity. We
have but a short time to live here but a long Eternity to
But the Dimocratit Judg Powers dont want to be out done by
a Republican Judge so he decides the Law will allow him to
bring in an Indictmen for Every day during the 3 years, which
would make 1095 indictments which would make
6570 months imprisionments or 547 1/2 years and $300 dollars
fine for Each Indictment would be $328,500 dollars
so they by this ruling they will imprision a Latter Day
Saint During Life & take all the property He has. Now comes
the last & trials of the saints. These Judges have formed a
platfore for the Elders of the church to stand upon & deside
which they will serve Either God or Baal And as they
come to trial some take one side & some the other out of
the whole Number so far up to date has been five persons
whove Deserted their wives & children, Broaken their covenants
Denyed thir religion & dishonored God, viz Arnold C. V. Spencer
Bishop John SharpT O AngelJr & Septmas W Sears
while Bishop Clawson & SonA. M. CannonA. M. MusserP. P. PrattBrown of OgenWatson & many others prefer to go to prision
with Honor than to have Liberty with Dishonor and this
is now the test which is to try all the Elders of Israel who
have obeyed the Celestial Law of Marriage. As a Historian
I would say I would rather be shot dead, in the streets, or
struck with lightning, than to Desert my children Break
my covenants turn my wives into the street & desert
them with whom I have made sacred Covenants, Deny
my religion & Dishonor God. The decisionwe now make
will decide our Destiny for all time & Eternity. We
have but a short time to live here but a long Eternity to
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," October 3, 1885, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 26, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/lR36