James Bishop J Cheese Keysend street
Joseph Firkins Elizabeth Firkins J. Palmer May 25th little Marcle
John Pitt Elizabeth Matthews Ester Jones John Jones Richard Lilley T. Kington May 31st
William Philips John Hunt Mary Portman Mary Humphreys 20 Sarah Whitern Ester Harris. Lime street T Oaky
John Meredith By John Spires turkey Hall June 7th
Samuel Roberts Elizabeth Roberts Ann Hopkins Mariah Hopkins Hannah Hopkins Mary Ann Smith {Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Deerhurst June 9th
William Loveridge Sarah Bail Eliza Davis Elizabeth Clark {Wilford Woodruff} at Twigworth June 11th
Mary Ann Matty. Brewett Lye, England 11th
George Curtis George Curtis Brewitt Lye
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