increase and to govern us in our acts
among the children of men. Now,
when a man has the Holy Spirit and
hears the plain, simple truths of
salvation, they appear more valuable
than all else besides, and he is ready
to sacrifice everything of a temporal
nature to secure himself salvation; but
when people's minds become darkened,
they lose the Holy Spirit and the
value of that Gospel, and they do not
realize the privilege and the honour of
being associated with the Saints of
God in these valleys of the mountains,
neither do they maintain their alle-
giance to their Heavenly Father, and
honour his name upon the earth,
or prize their association with those
that bear the holy Priesthood, and
therefore they go into darkness. Why
has the word reformation ever been
named in Zion? It has been because
we did not labour to keep within us
that holy principle of life, that our
minds might be quickened day by day,
and receive and prize those truths
delivered unto us. Now we marvel
and wonder when we are enlightened
by the Spirit of God and the reve-
lations which he has given unto us;
and when we are aroused to a sense
of the importance of these things, we
then see the effect and the bearing
they will have upon us,—not only the
fitting of our minds to go into the
world of spirits, but to prepare us to
meet with our Father in heaven.
Now, we should live in that way and
manner that the Holy Spirit will dwell
with us, and so that we may be pre-
pared to receive those truths which
are daily delivered unto us by Presi-
dents , , , or any
other man who rises up here to speak
unto us the words of life. We should
give attention to what is said. As
brother Kimball says, the man who
speaks to you from this stand is the
centre, and we should give him our
attention, prayers, and faith; and if we
do this we shall receive out of the
abundance of his heart those things
which will benefit us. It should be
our chief study to treasure up the
words of life, that we may grow in
grace, and advance in the knowledge
of God, and become perfected in
Christ Jesus, that we may receive a
fulness, and become heirs of God and
joint heirs with Jesus Christ.
The revelations of Jesus Christ
teach us that the Saviour was born in
the flesh; and the Father said that He
did not give him a fulness at first, but
continued from grace to grace until he
had received a fulness, and was called
the Son of God because he did not
receive a fulness at first. We in like
manner should seek with all our souls
to grow in grace, light, and truth, that
in due time we may receive a fulness.
The Lord has a great many principles
in store for us; and the greatest
principles which he has for us are the
most simple and plain. The which lead us
unto eternal life are the simplest, and
yet none are more glorious or im-
portant unto us. Men may labour to
make a great display of talent, learn-
ing, and knowledge, either in printing
or preaching. They may try to preach
the mysteries and to present some-
thing strange, great, and wonderful,
and they may labour for this with all
their might, in the spirit and strength
of man without the aid of the of God, and yet the people are
not edified, and their preaching will
not give much satisfaction. It is the
plainest and the most simple things
that edify us the most, if taught by
the Spirit of God; and there is nothing
more important or beneficial unto us.
If we have that Spirit dwelling with
us—if it abides with us continually,
enlightening our minds by day and by
night, we are in the safe path; and
when we have finished the work of
the day, we reflect upon it and are
satisfied with it, feeling that it is
approbated of the Lord. It is our
increase and to govern us in our acts
among the children of men. Now,
when a man has the Holy Spirit and
hears the plain, simple truths of
salvation, they appear more valuable
than all else besides, and he is ready
to sacrifice everything of a temporal
nature to secure himself salvation; but
when people's minds become darkened,
they lose the Holy Spirit and the
value of that Gospel, and they do not
realize the privilege and the honour of
being associated with the Saints of
God in these valleys of the mountains,
neither do they maintain their allegiance to their Heavenly Father, and
honour his name upon the earth,
or prize their association with those
that bear the holy Priesthood, and
therefore they go into darkness. Why
has the word reformation ever been
named in Zion? It has been because
we did not labour to keep within us
that holy principle of life, that our
minds might be quickened day by day,
and receive and prize those truths
delivered unto us. Now we marvel
and wonder when we are enlightened
by the Spirit of God and the revelations which he has given unto us;
and when we are aroused to a sense
of the importance of these things, we
then see the effect and the bearing
they will have upon us,—not only the
fitting of our minds to go into the
world of spirits, but to prepare us to
meet with our Father in heaven.
Now, we should live in that way and
manner that the Holy Spirit will dwell
with us, and so that we may be prepared to receive those truths which
are daily delivered unto us by Presidents , , , or any
other man who rises up here to speak
unto us the words of life. We should
give attention to what is said. As
brother Kimball says, the man who
speaks to you from this stand is the
centre, and we should give him our
attention, prayers, and faith; and if we
do this we shall receive out of the
abundance of his heart those things
which will benefit us. It should be
our chief study to treasure up the
words of life, that we may grow in
grace, and advance in the knowledge
of God, and become perfected in
Christ Jesus, that we may receive a
fulness, and become heirs of God and
joint heirs with Jesus Christ.
The revelations of Jesus Christ
teach us that the Saviour was born in
the flesh; and the Father said that He
did not give him a fulness at first, but
continued from grace to grace until he
had received a fulness, and was called
the Son of God because he did not
receive a fulness at first. We in like
manner should seek with all our souls
to grow in grace, light, and truth, that
in due time we may receive a fulness.
The Lord has a great many principles
in store for us; and the greatest
principles which he has for us are the
most simple and plain. The first
principles of the Gospel which lead us
unto eternal life are the simplest, and
yet none are more glorious or important unto us. Men may labour to
make a great display of talent, learning, and knowledge, either in printing
or preaching. They may try to preach
the mysteries and to present something strange, great, and wonderful,
and they may labour for this with all
their might, in the spirit and strength
of man without the aid of the Holy
Spirit of God, and yet the people are
not edified, and their preaching will
not give much satisfaction. It is the
plainest and the most simple things
that edify us the most, if taught by
the Spirit of God; and there is nothing
more important or beneficial unto us.
If we have that Spirit dwelling with
us—if it abides with us continually,
enlightening our minds by day and by
night, we are in the safe path; and
when we have finished the work of
the day, we reflect upon it and are
satisfied with it, feeling that it is
approbated of the Lord. It is our