erial, for they still hold the art of making and painting. We vis-
ited quite a number of the fzamilies at the village and were kindly
entertained. Among others, we visited Mrs. , a Neph-
ite lady, I should judge 50 years of age, a large portly woman, with
a large, fine home; floors neatly carpeted, settees covered with
Navajoe blankets, wiorth $15 each. She was neatly dressed. I was
introduced to her by Brother and her daughters and sons. She
received me and treated me with all the elegance that any refined
lady could, and presided over her household with all the dignity and
grace of a . When her daughters were introduced
to me, after bowing and shaking hands, they very reservedly and
modestly retired across the room, sat down upon a settee and listened
to what was said in silence. The matron sat down beside me and con-
versed with great fereedom. While the family could speak good Span-
ish, her , a fine young man of 20, could speak good English, which
was a God send to me, and I thoroughly improved it by preaching the
Gospel of Christ and blessings of the kingdom of God to him, which
he gladly received and promised to deliver the same to his father and
mother. The matron invited us into her pear, peach and apple or-
chard and grape vineyard which were ripe, and we feasted to our sat-
isfaction, and we repeated by invitation the same ceremony each day
while in . The feast was on the 27th of August. There were
hundreds of Mexicans from all the surrounding country gathered. The
Mexican women and girls, with their long trails. Most all the drink-
ing, gambling and figthting, which lastied all night, were done by the
Mexicans, while the Islatus were in their homes and doors locked at
an early hour. The and leading men of , where
we preached, were with us and did not take part with the Mexican
erial, for they still hold the art of making and painting. We visited quite a number of the families at the village and were kindly
entertained. Among others, we visited Mrs. , a Nephite lady, I should judge 50 years of age, a large portly woman, with
a large, fine home; floors neatly carpeted, settees covered with
Navajoe blankets, worth $15 each. She was neatly dressed. I was
introduced to her by Brother and her daughters and sons. She
received me and treated me with all the elegance that any refined
lady could, and presided over her household with all the dignity and
grace of a . When her daughters were introduced
to me, after bowing and shaking hands, they very reservedly and
modestly retired across the room, sat down upon a settee and listened
to what was said in silence. The matron sat down beside me and conversed with great freedom. While the family could speak good Spanish, her , a fine young man of 20, could speak good English, which
was a God send to me, and I thoroughly improved it by preaching the
Gospel of Christ and blessings of the kingdom of God to him, which
he gladly received and promised to deliver the same to his father and
mother. The matron invited us into her pear, peach and apple orchard and grape vineyard which were ripe, and we feasted to our satisfaction, and we repeated by invitation the same ceremony each day
while in . The feast was on the 27th of August. There were
hundreds of Mexicans from all the surrounding country gathered. The
Mexican women and girls, with their long trails. Most all the drinking, gambling and fighting, which lasted all night, were done by the
Mexicans, while the Islatus were in their homes and doors locked at
an early hour. The and leading men of , where
we preached, were with us and did not take part with the Mexican