Letter from L. D. Hickey, 27 October 1894 [LE-12979]

Document Transcript

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Trinidad, ^Col^
Eld. F. M. Lyman,

I promised to write you. But I did
not promise to write lies, nor the fables
of old Granny women, or the tales of old
pappas, who swear by all that is good, that
Joseph said this, & that. And they know
by the gift of God, & power of the Holy Ghost,
Joseph done this & said that.

No, Sir I dont want any such Witnesses ^on^
our side, to prove that Strang was the
Man God pointed out, to the church by
Joseph Smith to be his direct Successor,
And here let me say, we will send Strang
into Canada, & not mention his name.
But then, that will only leave Brigham &
all others that claimed, even young Joseph
hanging as high as old Haman, ever
young. On their claims, to the direct
succesorship. Any ^a^ half bred Lawyer
or school-Boy (16) can take the D. & C. on
the Succession, & grind both Josephite
& Brighamite to powder. I should not
waste my time, with men who will use
the plain words of God as you do. But
I will tell you, what God by Joseph said & done

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Joseph Smith was to appoint a man. God said
he should not have power, except to app
oint. And that was not to be done, until he
was taken. Joseph done all that God, & he
said he should do. Again, Joseph did
all his part in planting Another. Again,
God & Joseph said, the Successor, should
be ordained, as was Joseph & Oliver.
See 43rd S, D. &. C.

This was all fulfilled to the letter. In the
call of James J Strang.

In all that have claimed to been, set up,
there has not a man, that has given
a shadow of Law, or logic, (but James)
that they have any claim or ever had.
God rejected Brigham & those that
followed him, & cast them out, & they
became, as heathen men. And they hold
the same relation to God, this day.

All the Temples, Tabernacles, & other
works under Brigham, or those ass-
ociated, Amounts to no more than the
churches or Temples of the Gentiles.

They had no Prophet of God. And surely
surely, The Lord will only work by a
Prophet. Such is my testimony to you.
And better than all that, instead of our
going to Utah & joining that Body, they
all have got to come to God & be baptized
by us, or those who hold Priesthood or
they will go to prison.

Page 3

It may be well to remind who you are
dealing with when you shake hands with
L. D. Hickey, Not that I wish to boast,
But that my garments may be clean of your
blood, God called me, by Revelation to the
Apostleship, & as such, I preach, teach both,
day & night. And as such I write that you
& all that I great may find Rest in Christ.
I dont leave house, home & loved ones for
gain, or vain-glory. But wo was me
if I did not witness to you, what God,
by the prophets, & his Spirit had made known
to me, concerning the justification & [codta-]
tion of the people of Utah as well as all the world.
God by his prophet James gave the church
Revelation, upon Revelation, Before & after
you left Nauvoo. But you heeded them
not. Yet they stand on the Records of the
church this day. And you have to meet,
the fate, given. Your fathers drank the bitter
cup, & most of them are buried in a Strange
land, like the stubborn Hebrews, that Moses
led from Egypt, who died in the wilderness,
save Caleb & Joshua. [Numbers 14:38] And now if you, their
children, will not repent, But do as your
fathers did, down you will go to the Pit,
your Temples Sepulchures, &c &c, Don't
avail you any thing. To learn that I tell

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the truth, get what God said, of you before
& after you left Nauvoo. That settles the ques-
tion as what relation you hold to God &
the church organized in A.D. 1830. You
hold no more priesthood from Brigham
& those who usurped authority with him, ^then^
did any man or set of that Joseph cut off
under God before his death. When you, (or
they) usurped & despised the Man God set
up by Joseph. It was the same God & priest-
hood that cast Brigham out, & off
that cast off Saul & all that followed him after
he was rejected, & David, the Son of Jesse was
set up on the throne. Saul made a great
fuss, for a while & abused the man God set up
in the stead of Joseph. [1 Samuel 18:9-12] So Brigham abused the
man James, yet God was with James both
by signs, & wonders, & proved to the church
James was the Successor of Joseph. The
work he done proves it clearly

The church is composed of a duly
ordained prophet, & other inferior
Quorums, all subject to the Prophet.
Hence you see clearly or may The
church never went to Utah. But a
band psuedoes -set up- Brigham (not
God) & they called it the church when it
had no Head. But a man made hand.
Yours truly & Sincerly

L D Hickey

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Who was the Successor of
Joseph Smith?

Not long ago we saw an article in an Iowa paper, dated Utah [18]90, but
directed to an Iowa divine. The answer was given to the Utah man, but it
did not agree with what Joseph Smith taught his people concerning his suc-
cessor thirteen years before his death. The Utah man claimed to be an honest
seeker for truth, and wanted to learn who the successor of Joseph Smith was.

We made up our mind to point the Utah man, to what God and
Joseph Smith said on that question. Men have claimed they were the duly
Ordained, and all others were usurpers, when they were the greatest villains in
all the land, and led many to ruin. There was no need of this, as Joseph left
all doctrinal questions plainly written in the book of D. & C. Men have seced-
ed, and others have cried, Mormon delusion, when these very men were the most
deluded of all men. Mormonism, proper, is no delusion. It will bear as close
criticism as any other ism, and will stand clear as the sun and fair as the moon,
when all other isms will travel with that stone John told of in Rev. xviii, 21.

No man ever contended for good order and the true sciences, clearer than
did Mr. Smith. No man despised unsound doctrine in State or Church more
than Joseph. And the policy of government he handed down to us yet speaks,
though he sleeps with the worthy dead. This subject of Prophet Making is
just as clearly set forth in the church Book of Rules, as is any city or state law
on election of city or state officers. As early as 1831, he told the church how his
successor would be planted in his stead. At his death, all the people had to do
to learn the duly appointed man, was to heed the rules he gave them 13 years
before his death.

There was no excuse for divisions; the honest man who could read could
see when, and through whom he was to be appointed, and would identify the
man Angels ordained, to be the successor. But they set the law
aside, and set up their own ways. And men are doing the same this day, in
sending out Sermons and Tracts far away, deceiving the people by their opin-
ions, and the testimony of dead apostates, who preached lies when alive -- and
many are led this day by these false teachers. Much of the past work of these
villians has been laid to Joseph Smith, when he had no more to do with them
or their principles, than Abraham Lincoln had to do with Jefferson Davis.

Many have claimed that Mr. Smith was not parliamentary, and did not
claim nor contend for good order. No greater mistake could been made. He
claimed the government of God (the church) on earth, could only exist and
prosper as it heeded the Priest-hood of the Son of God. And then added: "As
no city or State can do legal business without duly authorized officers, no more
could the church." We give his views on Prophet Making, and on what terms
to accept their Revelations: "We do not consider ourselves bound to receive
any revelations from any man or woman without their being called or legally
constituted and ordained, and given sufficient proffs of it." -- Joseph Smith's
Letter of April, 1833.

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By this we see he put the people on their guard, that they be not deceived
by usurpers. Yet we know L. D. S. who have accepted and published to the
broad world, Revelations from men that had no more right to get or give reve-
lations than Ben Butler or Gen. Sheridan, yet these saints feast on the false
tales of usurpers, and call it good. As many as four times during his ministry,
he called the attention of his people to his death, and the appointing of another
in his stead. In 1830 he told the church how he was ordained by Peter, James
and John, (angels). [Doctrine and Covenants 128:20] In 1831 he, in a definate and a plain way, told the plan that
would be adopted in setting a man in his place. This was done that the people
might not be deceived by by false brethren or usurpers. Yet with all of these
land marks, men have led their fellows from the Rook of Christ to fables and
lies. A Book of Rules was adopted by the church, which contained provisions
for filling up any vacancy that might occur by death or otherwise. By this
book I will show who the man was that was appointed and ordained to fill
Joseph's place. There is no great mystery in this matter, we only take the Book
of Rules, and by that, identify the man:

First, When was the Man to be Appointed? Book of Rules, Section 43,
Part 1st: "And this ye shall know assuredly, that there is none other appointed
unto you to receive Commandments, until he be taken." [Doctrine and Covenants 43:3]

There is nothing mysterious about this. All there is of it, there was no one
to be appointed until he was taken. This settles the question adversely, with
those usurpers and false teachers, who claim Joseph did ever ordain a man
(or boy) to stand as President of the church before he was taken. Comment is
not necessary. The next question is to let the Book tell us through whom was
the successor to be appointed. It reads: "But verily, verily, I say unto you,
that none else shall be appointed unto this gift, except it be through him," [Doctrine and Covenants 43:4] --
Book of Rules, Section 43, Part 2. We need nothing plainer on who was to ap-
point. We all know how President Harrison appoints officers in the Federal
Government, and the plan was carried out on the same principle by Mr. Smith
in appointing his successor. Further comment on this is not needed.

The next question we want to learn is the extent of Mr. Smith's power in
planting a man in his stead. We will let the Book settle this also: Book of
Rules, Section 43, 2nd Part, -- says, "If it (the gift) be taken from him, he shall
not have power except to appoint another in his stead. [Doctrine and Covenants 43:4] This limits Mr. Smith's
power to simply appoint another in his stead, etc. Then in addition to this the
Book reads, -- "And this I give unto you that you may not be deceived -- that
you may know they are not of me. [Doctrine and Covenants 43:6] Will these Rules fail to detect all usurpers,
and help us to disern the duly appointed man? We say they will not, for God
said: "And this I give unto you that you may not be deceived." Therefore by
these Rules we can criticise all that have put up claims, and directly identify
the man that was legally appointed, and by Angels ordained, as he told us
before, -- (1831).

We have learned when, and through whom, the successor was to be ap-
pointed; also the extent of Mr. Smith's power in planting the man to fill his
place. We now ask, Who was to ordain the successor? Let the Book answer
the question: "For verily I say unto you, that he that is ordained of me, shall
come in at the gate and be ordained as I have told you before," -- Book of D.
& C. Section 43, Part 2.

This part of the planting the man into the Presidency, is like all the other
parts, plain and definite. He was to be ordained as he had told us before, this
date or time. In 1830 we are told, the Prophet Joseph, was ordained by Peter,

[sideways text] It make no odds, if you build your nests in
the clouds, get or tops of mountains he will
bring you down, as well as he did the Jews
for rejecting the Son of Man.

You folks boust of being safe, because you are
in the valley, but I see the catholic church & others are
gathering. How can God-Smith then & not trust you
when they & you are voting the same, now will you
escape. Tell us, how you will escape. Their had [end of sideways text]

Page 7

James and John, (Angels). By this we learn that the successor was to be or-
dained as the predecessor was ordained, no less no more. This compels us to hold that the successor was to be ordained by Angels. The Book (D. & C.)
brings us to these and no other conclusions. Thus we have fulfilled our prom-
ise, by simply telling the public what the Book says on the appointment and
ordination of the successor to Joseph Smith.

After setting forth the law on appointing and ordaining the successor, we
will add our own testimony: First, Joseph Smith was duly called and legally
ordained even by Angels, and stood to the nations of the earth as did Moses.
He filled his mission like a brave man. He translated from the records the
Book of Mormon, which contains the history of the Indians, and many other
important facts concerning the nations of this day. He need not suffered as he
did, yet he chose it rather than the honors of this short life. He was aware of
the fate that should befall him, but he stood up to do the work given him to do.
He died as a servant of God and the Christ Jesus Christ and has his reward.

At the death of Joseph, Mr. James J. Strang claimed he had been ordained
in the same way that Joseph was (by Angels) and had been legally constituted
the President of the Church. He published his claims, sent them abroad, and
published to the world he was ready and willing to meet, and discuss his claims
with any that were willing to compare their views with his. He clearly proved
his authority to all that took pains to criticise them. He was identified by the
public in and around the country where he lived and died, as the legal succes-
sor of Joseph Smith. He translated from the recoreds that was taken from
Laban the Book of the Law of the Lord, a work that Lehi had in view when he said
that Joseph should write. See 2nd Book of Nephi, 2nd Chapter. This Book of
the Law of the Lord, is often spoken of in the Bible, and has been called one
of the lost Books.

James, like Joseph, had bitter persecutions, yet he bravely stood for the
truth and right. He had presented views of his martyrdom, and called his
friends aside and gave them hints of coming trouble. He, like Joseph, might
of avoided it by leaving the church and seeking his own ease in the world.
But he chose to stand to his duty as the leader of God's people, and meet his
fate. We need not speak of his noble life, for it is read and known by the hon-
orable men that meet him in the legislative halls of his state.

It is true, many of the usurpers lied, and to cover their false claims they
misrepresented him and his teachings. But they stand on the page of history,
and will be read and known as long as sun and moon endure--while the usurp-
ers will fall with their lies. Men will yet rise up and honor the names of Joseph
and James as the chosen of God. ^Son^

We would like to end our testimony here and say, Peace to all Men; but we
want to warn all honest men, that they be not led by usurpers and false
teachers. It is a fact well known in all the factions of the Mormon schools, that
Gurley and Briggs reform that started in Wisconsin and terminated in the
Re-organization, have from the first, accused the others of holding bad faith.
And to this day have accused the Utah people of holding to lies, and teaching
false doctrine. By the land laws, they had a right to hold up to public gaze
what they held to, so long as their views were not opposed by the Government.

But let us take a look into the eyes of this re-organized child and see if we
don't find sand: This child of Gurley & Briggs has given the Martyr the lie,
and if Clark Braden knew how to handle the truth and lies, he would need no

[sideways text] I only teach the Revelations, of God, to his duly sent
prophets. You can get them & learn what I say
It makes odds, if you build your nests in [end of sideways text]

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better ropes (doctrine false) to hang the boys he has been playing with who claim
to defend Joseph as a Prophet. They tell us that Joseph Smith did in [18]43
anoint and ordain his son, and publicly on the stand in Nauvoo, said: "I
am no longer your Prophet, but this, my son, is your Prophet."

When this same Joseph had told the church years before, that all the part
he would be able to take in planting another man in his stead would be to ap-
point, and that he would not do until he was taken. Gentlemen of No.
17, will you tell us what to call you? Speak out, and tell us what to call you.
We want to call men and things by their right name. One thing is
sure, Joseph either lied or else you have in that No. 17. Them Books
and writings that Joseph left us, don't lie. Nor do we have to hunt from Bos-
to Oregon, to find witnesses to prove what they teach. The writings of
Moses, David, Jeremiah, Isaac, Malichi and the prophets, stood true and inde-
pendent of even the words of Christ and his Apostles.

So with the work of Joseph, what he told the world was true, independent
of the testimony of thousands. Yet false witnesses came against Moses, Christ,
and all the servants of God; we have page after page of their lies against the
truth. So with Joseph and James, we have their merit and on it we stand, and
the usurpers may compile and send out their tracts with the testimony of apos-
tates and dead Psuedoes who, when alive, told and published lies against Joseph
But the words of the Prophets Joseph and James, stand to us as the north star
to the Mariners on the ocean, at the midnight hour.

It looks bad to see a certain school of Saints throwing stones at Utah, when
they are telling lies daily. It reminds us of the old tricks of Ephraim, as found
in Hosea, xii-1; he lied daily in them days. Let the tales of modern Ephraim
speak for thsmelves. One thing is certain, if Clark-Braden knew how to
handle Joseph Smith and his works, he could find plenty of ropes (lies) in sight
of these men he has been debating with, to hang them, but not a string as large
as a fine thread to hurt Joseph or James. Joseph said in 1831 he would only
have power to appoint a successor; he also said the successor would not be ap-
pointed until Joseph was taken. This was all right, and came to pass just as
Joseph said thirteen years before--it was fulfilled in 1844. But here comes up a
school of fellows and tell us that Joseph did anoint and ordain his son in 1843,
and constituted him the President of the Church. Clark-Braden can't hurt
Joseph nor his successor on the policy of these wise Mormon Legislators, who
try to make Joseph a man-made and man-sent prophet. But if he can't take
Joseph's words and make them false teachers like himself, then he is small
potatoes and few in a hill, (to use a figure).

In conclusion, we say that we have proved that Mr. Smith pointed out the
policy that would be taken at his death, in planting a man in his stead. Mr.
Strang was the only man that ever presented legal claims to that office. We
might call up the names of scores that came out at that time and gave their
testimony to the world that James was the man. We might call over the names
of men and women, but we have our case without. If men will not accept of
what we have taken from the Books, they can go where all unbelievers go.
But there is one question that I am often asked: Who stands at the head of
the work of God, now? I answer, the man that holds the highest Priesthood!
It is the work of God, and He builds or pulls down when and whom he will.
Joseph Smith could not ordain a man to fill his place, but he could ordain a
man to fill any other office in the church. It took Angels to ordain him, and it

[sideways text] Yes as God cast out all the Hebrews, but Joshua & Calib
by then. So by his Prophet he cast Brigham & those that
followed him. See the Revelations to the church. [end of sideways text]

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took Angels to ordain a man like him. But we have no record that James
should appoint a man to fill his place. Yet we can tell our friends, who held the
highest Priesthood in the Church at the death of James.

Nov. 6, 1846, James J. Strang was commanded to go and anoint and ordain
Joseph Smith, the son of the martyr, to the same Priesthood his uncle Hiram
held. We have all the proof we want that James did obey God. And that left
the son of Joseph as one of the Presidents of the Church, and the Book of Rules
says in case of death of either of the 1st Presidents, the other shall preside until
the vacancy is filled. This was the situation of the church at the death of James.
So that by the virtue of the ordination Joseph obtain under the hands of James
and no other ordination. We hold him the legal President of the Church from
the death of James to this day.

Let those that want light on this last statement, get the Revelation of Nov.
6, 1846. That will tell on what young Joseph stands, and on what he don't
stand. Then I am questioned as to why I don't join the Gurley & Briggs Re-
form, handled now by young Joseph, my reply is: I was baptised in 1842, stood
by Joseph until death, then I accepted James, and stood by him until he was
shot; then when I learned that James did obey God and did anoint and ordain
the youth, I have identified him as the President and Patriarch as was Hyram
, and I have nothing to join or disjoin. I stand in the same church that I
was baptised into in 1842. If this church will not save men and me, I fear that
one got up by men that accuse Joseph of lying and not doing as he promised,
will be no help to me.

I hold Mr. Smith as President of the Church, yet he don't hold the degrees
of Priesthood that Joseph did; he don't hold the keys of Mysteries; he don't
hold the Sceptre in his hand as did Strang, yet he will stand as President until
God removes him and sends another. But says one, "How can you hold him as
President, when he will not identify you in the Priesthood you obtained under
James?" What need I care how he holds me or don't hold me, when I know
what I have got and what he has. I am not a Republican, yet I will hold Har-
as President whether he pleases me or not, until his term is out. Yet I
will not endorse his veto or Bills he don't veto. I will stand back and say, Mr.
Harrison, go on, your time will run out! So I say of young Joseph, go ahead, I
will not adopt nor endorse your teachings. But I will say to all men, that he is
the President and only man in all the earth that holds Keys as did Hyram Smith.
I am just as well satisfied that young Joseph is doing the work, as that John the
, yet his people teach many things contrary to the order of God's

I set my hand to this expecting to meet God and my fellows, wishing
all honest people well and no harm.

Truly and sincerely,

L. D. Hickey.
Coldwater, Mich., June 15, 1891.

Page 10

^I^ old Lyman, I dont know as it should do you any ^good^
to send you ^the^ claims, of James J. Strang & the words of God.
But I told you I would & I generaly do as I agree. And
you promised to read, & as one whom God has ^called^
(not by man.) But by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Have as such to do to my fellow men, Or wo is
me. Therefore I will do my part & I men but ^heed^
my testimony. I shall be dear, of their blood.

And God will be just in sending the^m^ down. With
the wicked. Dear Brother, Again, I say to you &
through you to your associates, you are mistaken
& when your fathers rejected the Letter Joseph sent to
James J. Strang. They were cast out of the church. ^See 4th page^