Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 24 July 1849


Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 24 July 1849
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    Joseph Russells Miramichi July 24th 1849 I will continue my journal from my last letter which was written on the Sunday 15th inst. I stated that next day I exp[e]cted to be in St Johns, but I was disappo[i]nted. on Monday morning I took my carpet bag on my sholder walked 7 miles to the Stage road & waited 3 Hours for the Stage when it came along it was loaded down & would not take me Had left 5 other passengers back. Here I was ...
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    was to leave For Frederickton which I had to take in an hour aftr I got in the city so I had but little time to see St Johns. I fou[n]d the place had part of it been burned & the rest of it was in great excitemet in consequence of a row they had a day or two before I got there A company of Orangemen marched in p[r]ossessi[o]n the Catholics stoned & bricked them they then armed theirselves & fought with pistols guns swords &c & 15 ...
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    20th I took passage at 11 oclok to day in a thing they call a stage to ride n^i^ght & day 100 miles to Miramichi through the forest. I will describe the stage one pairs of Horses was put onto the tongue of an open lumber Waggon with two seats in it the 1st seat was occupied by the drivers & Mr Frazier with their feet on the Mail Bag. I occupied the 2nd seat above making a driver & two passengers the Bottom of the Box ran out behind the waggon 4 feet upon which stood ...
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    They have two meetings on Suday & two during the week day. I ha[v]e not found greater faith in North America than with Br Russell according to his priveliges. I preached to them in the afternoon though I was not able I felt quite sick I felt as though I was threatened with a bit of sickness I was attacked with a severe Diarhea loss of apetite, sickness at stomach, cold chills from Head to foot, at othr times fever, (I took a dose of pills) I went to bed sick & did not rest during the Night. 23rd ...
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    said Br Whipple Baptized 11 in New jersey & He 5 in Philadelphia 24th I read the European Times today came by the Last steemer, the Europen Had a collission with a ship from Charles Bartlet with passengers for New Yok she sunk in 4 minutes & 134 lives were lost. Brother Russell got a letter from Capt MC Ferron of Livrpool saying the Chuch was progressing Rapidly but said that many of the Emigrats Had died that Had gone to America with ...
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    [upside-down text] Mr Wilford Woodruff Cambridgeport Mass United States [stamp in red ink] ROBBINSTON JUL 29 Me. [stamp in red ink] NEWCASTLENB PAID ^[10]^ ^9^ [end of upside-down text] [stamp in black ink] ST JOHN JY 27 1849 N.B. [2 stamps in black ink] ST ANDREW[S] JY 28 N.B. Willford Woodruff July 24th 1849 ...