not talk Brother Baker was kalled upon to tell his story
which was some what lenngthy he acknowledged hwhiping his wife but said he was not mad but timed
his blows ackcording to the strength of her head. said
he was willing to abide the decission of the council
President Young said that if this woman was subject
to desease these blows would probably cost her her life
If he had have treated me in this way I would have
cut his throat, and there is many women who would
have done it. I would not trust a dog with Brother
Baker or put one in his care for he does not know how
to treat either man or beast. I have women in my family
that would have killed Brother Baker in a momen[t] if he
had treated them in the way he has Ann. But I govern
my family by kind ness I tell them what is right
& I get them to obey me without whiping them If I can-
not get my family to do as I wish them without Quarrel-
ing with them I will not say a word about it.
President Young said to Baker Betsey will come to me
for a Bill [of divorce] yif you do not ctarke a Different coursce
and she will have a long hard story to tell. After
all had told their story the parties was dismissed
& the council met to give in their decision. President
Young said to Bishop Hunter come give in your decision
as to Brother Baker atempering his Blows he does not
know any thing about it. he is not fit to punish a
dog "He is vary rough & vulgar in all his talk in his
family I suppose he is worth $10000 Dollars He said
what if I was to take that course with my famil
or you what would be the consequence we should have
No families. all his wives & children will leave him
if he does not take a Diferent course.
The Decision of the Bishop & council was that Brother
Simon Baker be separated from his wife Ann & that
he pay Eight hundred Dollars for her & her schildren
support to be paid forth with in stock to be prized
by Edward Hunter & Bryant Stringham to be placed in
the hands of Bryant Stringham for safe keeping &
that said Baker be cut disfellowshiped from the
Church of Jesus Church of Latte Day Saints and that
all the clothing of the children be given up to them
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I called upon sister Smith in the morning
and at Presidents Youngs at noon & looked over the
Papers & at 2 oclok I met with the board of Director
at Bishop Hunters & sat 2 1/2 hours. I then went to
Brother E. T. Benson & met with the Twelve in the Prayer
circle I then returned home & watered my garden till
12 oclok at night
~ Monday
23rd I spent the forenoon in the office Journalizing I called
at the Presidents office in the evening
~ Tuesday
24th I spent the day drawing wheat in my field I
received an invitation from President Young to go
to a party in the Big Cotton wood on the 26.
Aug 21
not talk Brother Baker was kalled upon to tell his story
which was some what lengthy he acknowledged
whiping his wife but said he was not mad but timed
his blows according to the strength of her head, said
he was willing to abide by the decision of the council
President Young said that if this woman was subject
to desease these blows would probably cost her her life
If he had treated me in this way I would have
cut his throat, and there is many women who would
have done it. I would not trust a dog with Brother
Baker or put one in his care for he does not know how
to treat either man or beast. I have women in my family
that would have killed Brother Baker in a moment if he
had treated them in the way he has Ann. But I govern
my family by kind ness I tell them what is right
& I get them to obey me without whiping them If I cannot get my family to do as I wish them without Quarreling with them I will not say a word about it.
President Young said to Baker Betsey will come to me
for a Bill of divorce if you do nottake a Different coursce
and she will have a long hard story to tell. After
all had told their story the Parties was dismissed
& the council met to give in their decision. President
Young said to Bishop Hunter come give in your decision
as to Brother Baker tempering his Blows he does not
know any thing about it. he is not fit to punish a
dog "He is vary rough & vulgar in all his talk in his
family I suppose he is worth $10000 Dollars." He said
what if I was to take that course with my famil
or you what would be the consequence we should have
No families all his wives & children will leave him
if he does not take a Diferent course.
The Decision of the Bishop & Council was that Brother
Simon Baker be separated from his wife Ann & that
he Pay Eight hundred Dollars for her & her children
support to be paid forth with in stock to be prized
by Edward Hunter & Bryant Stringham to be placed in
the hands of Bryant Stringham for safe keeping &
that said Baker be disfellowshiped from the
Church of Jesus Church of Latter Day Saints and that
all the clothing of the children be given up to them
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I called upon sister Smith in the morning
and at Presidents Youngs at noon & looked over the
Papers & at 2 oclok I met with the board of Directors
at Bishop Hunters & set 2 1/2 hours. I then went to
Brother E. T. Benson & met with the Twelve in the Prayer
circle I then returned home & watered my garden till
12 oclok at night
~ Monday
23rd I spent the forenoon in the office Journalizing I called
at the Presidents office in the evening
~ Tuesday
24th I spent the day drawing wheat in my field I
received an invitation from President Young to go
to a party in the Big Cotton wood on the 26.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," August 21, 1858 - August 24, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,