of the IndiansHe said that He was thankful that we
had got along as well as we had with the Indians since
we had been here He thought they had improved
in thereir condition considering what advantages
they had quite as much as the Saints had.
After meeting I walked down & laid hands upon
Sister Anderson a dDanish woman who was quite
~ Monday
5th There is quite an excitement through the city
to day among the Gentiles in consequence of the
preaching yesterday I Attenrode to little Cotton
wood & bought 2 Lester sheep of ofBishop Richards
I paid $15 for them on my return I stoped
to look at the sugar works which had Just got
in operation they were making up beets vary
fast. I attended the grammar school at night 25 [miles]
~ Tuesday
6th The Eastern mail came in
last night at 10 oclok which
brought me 3 letters 2 from Ilus F Carter & one
from Thompson Woodruff He also sent me 31 different
kinds of Apple grafts the choisest fruit He had I
hope I shall be able to save som of them. We also
have received News of the apopintment of a new
Governor it is said that Col Steptoe is our Governor
there is a good deal of excitement through the city
on this account it has also been reported that secretary Harris is again to be sent back to us as our secretary
most of the paper mail was left at Laramie
the Indians dind not disturb them on the way but
many were gathering east of Laramie. the papers report
a war in the Nebraskie Territory between the
Missourians & settleers
~ Wednesday
7th I spent the day at home writing & grammar
school at night
~ Thursday
8th I rode to south webber & spent the night at Brother Kingtons 35 mils
I took up two fine Lester sheep & put into his flock
~ Friday
9th I spent the day in the fort I attended the school taught by Sarah. she had taught 6 months this day closed her second
quarter she clioses her school to day & settles her business &
is prepairing to return home
~ Saturday
10th I returned to the city of the salt Lake And attended the meeting
of the Universal scientific society. the constitution was aga[i]n
redad & the committee reported that all the officers appointed had
received their appointmt speeches were made by several
members & by the President & vice Presidents 35 mls
~ Sunday
Sunday 11th I spent the day at the Tabernacle & evening at
Prayer circle. {I wrote a lengthy letter during the night to Emma upon the principle of obeying counsel}
of the Indians. He said that He was thankful that we
had got along as well as we had with the Indians since
we had been here He thought they had improved
in their condition considering what advantages
they had quite as much as the Saints had.
After meeting I walked down & laid hands upon
sister Anderson a Danish woman who was quite
~ Monday
5th There is quite an excitement through the City
to day among the Gentiles in consequence of the
preaching yesterday I a rode to little Cotton
wood & bought 2 Lesten sheep of Bishop Richards
I paid $15 for them on my return I stoped
to look at the sugar works which had Just got
in operation they were making up beets vary
fast. I attended the grammar school at night 25
~ Tuesday
6th FIGURES The Eastern mail came in
last night at 10 oclok which
brought me 3 letters 2 from Ilus F Carter & one
from Thompson Woodruff He also sent me 31 different
kinds of Apple grafts the choisest fruit He had I
hope I shall be able to save som of them. We also
have received News of the appointment of a new
Governor it is said that Col Steptoe is our Governor
there is a good deal of excitement through the City
on this account it has also been reported that secretary
Harris is again to be sent back to us as our secretary
most of the paper mail was left at Laramie
the Indians did not disturb them on the way but
many were gathering east of Laramie. the papers report
a war in the Nebraskia Territory between the
Missourians & settleers
~ Wednesday
7th I spent the day at home writing & grammar
school at night
~ Thursday
8th I rode to south webber & spent the night at Brother Kingtons 35 mils
I took up two fine Lesten sheep & put into his flock
~ Friday
9th I spent the day in the fort I attended the school taught by
Sarah. she had taught 6 months this day closed her second
quarter she closes her school to day & settles her business &
is prepairing to return home
~ Saturday
10th I returned to the city of the salt Lake And attended the meeting
of the Universal scientific society. the constitution was again
read & the committee reported that all the officers appointed had
received their appointment speeches were made by several
members & by the President & vice Presidents 35 mils
~ Sunday
Sunday 11th I spent the day at the Tabernacle & evening at
Prayer Circle. {I wrote a lengthy letter during the night to Emma upon the principle of obeying counsel}
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 4, 1855 - February 11, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 28, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wGg