12th I spent the day in study & the evening in the Grammer school
~ Tuesday
13th I attended a party at the social Hall got up by Zions
workmen upon the public works we had a good time it
lasted till after midnight
~ Wednesday
14th I spent most of the day in study & the evening in the Grammar school
~ Thursday
15th I spent the day studying & I met with the board of
the universal scientific society at the Historians office
we spent several hours together in laying plans for the
edifications of the people when they assemble together the board
wished me to deliver an opening address on saturday evening
before the society
~ Friday
16th I attended the grammar school during the evening but
part of the day at the Historians office examining my Journls
containing Joseph sermons preparitory for publication in the
Church History
18th Feb 1855 [FIGURE] Notice had been given out a week a week ago that President Brigham Young
would preach to the people to day upon our views concerning the
government of the United States and all strangers were
invited to attend at an early hour the tabernacle was
filled & a thousand people that could not get into the House
a large company from those out of Doors was called togeth[er]
& preached to by Elder Orson Pratt. A good many strangers
were gathered together in the Temple After singing & prayer
by W. Woodruff President Young arose & said that as He
did not expe[c]t to be able to speak to the people He had prepared
a peace to be read before the assembly & when that is
read I will say a few words. Thomas Bullock then
read the address before the assembly. He sustained the con-
stitution of the United States also its laws but He used a
sharp two edged sword against wickedwness & wicked
men He sharply rebuked sin in high places, & when the
address was finished, He followed with a lengthy sharp cutting
Orall Speech which was more pointed than his written docum[en]t
this speech was fully reported by the reporters
The meeting was addressed in the afternoon by Brother John Gibson followed by O Hyde & H. C. kimball. At the close
of the afternoon meeting I met in the prayer circle & at the
close of prayer I had the Happy privilege of seeing John Smith the son of Hiram Smith the martered Patriarch
set in the middle of the circle & Presidents Young, kimbal
& Grant & O. Pratt W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & Lorenzo Snow
of the Twelve Apostles laid Hands upon his head & ordained
~ Monday
12th I spent the day in study & the evening in the Grammar school
~ Tuesday
13th I attended a party at the social Hall got up by Zions
workmen upon the public works we had a good time it
lasted till after midnight
~ Wednesday
14th I spent most of the day in study & the evening in the Grammar school
~ Thursday
15th I spent the day studying & I met with the board of
the universal scientific society at the Historians office
we spent several hours together in laying plans for the
edifications of the people when they assemble together the board
wished me to deliver an opening address on saturday evening
before the society
~ Friday
16th I attended the grammar school during the evening but
part of the day at the Historians office examining my Journals
containing Joseph sermons preparitory for publication in the
Church History
18th Feb 1855 [FIGURE] Notice had been given out a week
ago that President Brigham Young
would preach to the people to day upon our views concerning the
government of the United States and all strangers were
invited to attend at an early hour the tabernacle was
filled & a thousand people that could not get into the House
a large company from those out of Doors was called together
& preached to by Elder Orson Pratt. A good many strangers
were gathered together in the Temple After singing & prayer
by W. Woodruff President Young arose & said that as He
did not expect to be able to speak to the people He had prepared
a peace to be read before the assembly & when that is
read I will say a few words. Thomas Bullock then
read the address before the assembly. He sustained the constitution of the United States also its laws but He used a
sharp two edged sword against wickedness & wicked
men He sharply rebuked sin in high places. & when the
address was finished He followed with a lengthy sharp cutting
Oral Speech which was more pointed than his written document
this speech was fully reported by the reporters
The meeting was addressed in the afternoon by Brother
John Gibson followed by O Hyde & H. C. Kimball. At the close
of the afternoon meeting I met in the prayer circle & at the
close of prayer I had the Happy privilege of seeing John
[FIGURE] Smith the son of Hiram Smith the martered Patriarch
set in the middle of the circle & Presidents Young, Kimbal
& Grant & O. Pratt W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & Lorenzo Snow
of the Twelve Apostles laid Hands upon his head & ordained
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 12, 1855 - February 18, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 14, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/glD