The Funeral of James Johnson was attended at 2 oclok W. Woodruff
opened by Prayer. G. A. Smith spoke upon the evil consequences
of the introduction of so much swhiskey into this Territory
which was was adulterated by strichnine & this was introduced
by the followers of the Army sutlers Merchants and a great
Many persons were making use of it and much crime was
the consequen. When a man was found in the Gutter or had
killed somebody he would make for an excuse that He was strict-
nined but if we all let the Liquor alone we would not get
the strictnine. He made many remarks upon the evils of the
use of Alchahal most of which was drugged.
W Woodruff followed & spoke upon the great responsibilitiy
resting upon Parents towards there children in giving
them good council & the responsibilit of Parentstchildren
to obey their parents & whare children would not take good
council but would have there own way they would soon
go to ruin & destruction. O Hyde followed bore testimony
to the truth of what had been said, & remarked that Parents
should not allow themselves to sware or their children but
should reprove their children when they hear them sware
and many useful remarks were made, the meeting was dis-
missed by G. A. Smith we then went to the grave yard & buried
him in Brother Hydes Lot
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I did not
dress for Prayer. Wilford started for Rush valley to carry Luke Johnson home I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
Judge Zerubbablel Snow preached well was followed by
President Brigham Young who said that we should be gov[erne]d
by revelation in all things & spoke much to Edifycation John Taylor & E. D. Woolley spoke in the afternoon. I met
with the Quorum of the Twelve in the Evening. John Taylor
Prayed G. A. Smith was Mouth. We spent several hours
with the President. Leo Hawkins died at 11 oclok with the consumption
~ Monday
30thSarah had a daughter born this morning at [blank] oclok
I spent the forenoon at the office I attended Leo Hawkins
Funeral in the afternoon there was one of the Largest process-
ions ever attended a Funeral in this city there was 17
omnibuses & carriges loaded accompanied the corps
to the Grave R. L. Campbell opened by prayer W Woodruff
mad[e] a short address was followed by G A Smith with
few remarks.
~ Tuesday
31st I warttered my Garden to day & for the first time
since I have been in the valley I got wateredto
run all through my door yard by means of troths
I went to the office at 4 oclok & wrote some in my
2nd I spent the niday at Fort Herriman & hunting my
stock on the range
May 28th
The Funeral of James Johnson was attended at 2 oclok W. Woodruff
opened by Prayer. G. A. Smith spoke upon the evil consequences
of the introduction of so muchwhiskey into this Territory
which was was adulterated by strichnine & this was introduced
by the followers of the Army sutlers Merchants and a great
Many persons were making use of it and much crime was
the consequen. When a man was found in the Gutter or had
killed somebody he would make for an excuse that He was strictnined but if we all let the Liquor alone we would not get
the strictnine. He made many remarks upon the evils of the
use of Alchahal most of which was drugged.
W Woodruff followed & spoke upon the great responsibility
resting upon Parents towards there children in giving
them good council & the responsibilit ofchildren
to obey their parents & whare children would not take good
council but would have there own way they would soon
go to ruin & destruction. O Hyde followed bore testimony
to the truth of what had been said, & remarked that Parents
should not allow themselves to sware or their children but
should reprove their children when they hear them sware
and many useful remarks were made, the meeting was dismissed by G. A. Smith we then went to the grave yard & buried
him in Brother Hydes Lot
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I did not
dress for Prayer. Wilford started for Rush valley to carry
Luke Johnson home I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
Judge Zerubbablel Snow preached well was followed by
President Brigham Young who said that we should be governed
by Revelation in all things & spoke much to Edifycation
John Taylor & E. D. Woolley spoke in the afternoon. I met
with the Quorum of the Twelve in the Evening. John Taylor
Prayed G. A. Smith was Mouth. We spent several hours
with the President. Leo Hawkins died at 11 oclok with the consumption
~ Monday
30th Sarah had a daughter born this morning at [blank] oclok
I spent the forenoon at the office I attended Leo Hawkins
Funeral in the afternoon there was one of the Largest processions ever attended a Funeral in this City there was 17
omnibuses & carriges loaded accompanied the corps
to the Grave. R. L. Campbell opened by prayer W Woodruff
made a short address was followed by G A Smith with
few remarks.
~ Tuesday
31st I wattered my Garden to day & for the first time
since I have been in the valley I got watereto
run all through my door yard by means of troths
I went to the office at 4 oclok & wrote some in my
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," May 28, 1859 - June 2, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,