I did not know that the Twelve were going to meet
there Elders O Hyde & John Taylor gave an account
of their mission North They went to Farmington & preached
to the people They sharply reproved Brother Brownell for
Fault finding & sowing evil through the place against Bishop Hess & others. Brother Brownell was vary stubborn & it
was finally dicided to cut him off from the Church if He
did not make confession next Sabbath the whole branch
voted for this measure. Brownell called upon Brother
Wells to get council upon it Brother Wells told him it
would do him no hurt to humble himself & make a confes-
sion as he was required. President Young said I have
often thought of the words of Solomon that a wise child
was Better than an old and foolish king [Ecclesiastes 4:13] I could pick
out many Boys in this Church 16 years old more fit
for Bishops than many old men who are Bishops there
are but few men who seem calculated to make Bishops
The Brethren then went to Willow Creek to settle a
Difficulty with Elder A Cordon the President & Bishop Dives there were three or Four charges brought ag[ai]nst
Brother Cordon but when they were all investigated they
did not amount to any thing as a fault all the Branch
voted to sustain him as President the Bishops councellors
for the men who accused him four of his accusers were
cut off from the Church. The people did not like to vote
for Bishop Dives unless he would go by the council given
him He had it was said that the Bishop had a watch whth [which]
he carried that was tithing property & a cow they had milked
all summer & No credit given on the tithing Books &c
these matters were not much ivnvestigated President
Young said the Twelve should look into all such matters
& regulate them He asked if they saw any body there
that would make a Bishop they said No without it
was Elder Cordon. O Hyde thought He knew much
more than Bishop Dives. President Young said He
is not calculated for a Bishop He is a good man for
a President and in spiritual things But was not calcu-
lated for a Bishop. Their is anoth[er] thing Lorenzo Snow
presides over that region & is a prudent wise man yet he
has strong pregudices & doss not pull on the same strings that
I do there has been a kind of a spirit to keep Dives
Down But I believe if he had had the sole controll of
things there as the president opened the meetings & preached
to the people He would have made a good smart preacher
But I never saw the man that was kept down by his
superiors that could rise above it John Taylor asked
who is the greatest the President of [or] the Bishop. President
Young said the Bishop should attend to his own business
& let the Presidents alone & the Presidents should attend
to his Business & let the Bishops alone, but they should
I did not know that the Twelve were going to meet
there Elders O Hyde & John Taylor gave an account
of their mission North. They went to Farmington & preached
to the people They sharply reproved Brother Brownell for
Fault finding & sowing evil through the place against Bishop
Hess & others. Brother Brownell was vary stubborn & it
was finally dicided to cut him off from the Church if He
did not make confession next Sabbath the whole branch
voted for this measure. Brownell called upon Brother
Wells to get council upon it Brother Wells told him it
would do him no hurt to humble himself & make a confession as he was required. President Young said I have
often thought of the words of Solomon that a wise child
was Better than an old and foolish king I could pick
out many Boys in this Church 16 years old more fit
for Bishops than many old men who are Bishops there
are but few men who seem calculated to make Bishops
The Brethren then went to Willow Creek to settle a
Difficulty with Elder A Cordon the President & Bishop
Dives there were three or Four charges brought against
Brother Cordon but when they were all investigated they
did not amount to any thing as a fault all the Branch
voted to sustain him as President the Bishops councellor
for the men who accused him four of his accusers were
cut off from the Church. The people did not like to vote
for Bishop Dives unless he would go by the council given
him He had it was said that the Bishop had a watch which
he carried that was tithing property & a cow they had milked
all summer & No credit given on the tithing Books &c
these matters were not much investigated. President
Young said the Twelve should look into all such matters
& regulate them. He asked if they saw any body there
that would make a Bishop they said No without it
was Elder Cordon. O Hyde thought He knew much
more than Bishop Dives. President Young said He
is not calculated for a Bishop He is a good man for
a President and in spiritual things But was not calculated for a Bishop. Their is another thing Lorenzo Snow
presides over that region & is a prudent wise man yet he
has strong pregudices & does not pull on the same strings that
I do there has been a kind of a spirit to keep Dives
Down But I believe if he had had the sole controll of
things there as the president opened the meetings & preached
to the people He would have made a good smart preacher
But I never saw the man that was kept down by his
superiors that could rise above it John Taylor asked
who is the greatest the President or the Bishop. President
Young said the Bishop should attend to his own business
& let the Presidents alone & the Presidents should attend
to his Business & let the Bishops alone, but they should
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," November 2, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 18, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/mwMr