The President should say to the Bishop can I do
any thing for you & the Bishop should say to the Presidt
can I do any thing for you & they should mutually
help each other President Young asked can a Bishop
try a President Answered yes. can a President try
a Bishop John Taylor thought there might be cases
whare a President Might try a Bishop President Young
said A Bishop Might try an Apostle & cut him off
whare he committed any outrageous Act in his ward G A Smith said a Teacher might do the same as far as
his authority went But of course he could Appeal
President Young said a man cut himself off or on just
as he pleased by his own acts. But any one of the Twelve
while officiating in his office in any part of the world
are the Presidency of the Church the same as we are
at home their power is the same as ours & they should
investigate & regulate all matters appertaining to the
Church, without any regard to whatever instruction
they may have received
~ Wednesday
3rd I spent the day at home covering vines &c till
2 oclk & the rest of the day at the office
~ Thursday
4th I spent the day compiling History I planted some
peach stones, Apricotts & plums & currants in the
morning I spent the evening with President Young D H. WellsG. A. SmithA LymanJ. CummingsB
Stringham & Lewis Robinson President Young asked
me if I would go to Filmore I told him yes Presidt
Young [FIGURE] said one of his Boys stuck a nail through his
foot He took the nail greased it & carried it in his
pocket & kept it warm wraped in a peace of paper then
put on a peace of salt pork on nthe wound & it soon
healed up this is always his remidy and he says he
has never known it to fail this is worth remembering
I spent the time at home making out accounts from
9 oclok till 2 in the morning.
~ Friday
5th I spent the day on History
~ Saturday
6th I spent the fore part of the day on History the
afternoon I spent at home I made a family Party
in connexion with A. O. Smoot & his family Bishop Hunter & family was also present the party passed off
vary plesently ({except one accident}) weD Carnes & Rockwood myself
called upon President Young for council upon keeping prisioners
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle at 10 oclok
Bishop Hoagland Prayed & J. C. Little was mouth
I called upon President Young & spent most of the day
in his office with him & H. C. Kimball & D. H. WellsG. A. Smith
reading papers which come by the Eastern mail which arived
on saturday the 6th there was but little News except the
Atlantic cable telegraph has sceased to work & 22 more persons
Nov 2nd
The President should say to the Bishop can I do
any thing for you & the Bishop should say to the President
can I do any thing for you & they should mutually
help each other. President Young asked can a Bishop
try a President Answered yes. can a President try
a Bishop John Taylor thought there might be cases
whare a President Might try a Bishop President Young
said A Bishop Might try an Apostle & cut him off
whare he committed any outrageous Act in his ward
G A Smith said a Teacher might do the same as far as
his authority went But of course he could Appeal
President Young said a man cut himself off or on just
as he pleased by his own acts. But any one of the Twelve
while officiating in his office in any part of the world
are the Presidency of the Church the same as we are
at home their power is the same as ours & they should
investigate & regulate all matters appertaining to the
Church, without any regard to whatever instruction
they may have received
~ Wednesday
3rd I spent the day at home covering vines &c till
2 oclk & the rest of the day at the office
~ Thursday
4th I spent the day compiling History I planted some
peach stones, Apricotts & Plums & Currants in the
morning I spent the evening with President YoungD H. WellsG. A. SmithA LymanJ. CummingsB
Stringham & Lewis Robinson. President Young asked
me if I would go to Filmore I told him yes President
Young [FIGURE] said one of his Boys stuck a nail through his
foot He took the nail greased it & carried it in his
pocket & kept it warm wraped in a pece of paper then
put on a peace of salt pork on the wound & it soon
healed up this is always his remidy and he says he
has never known it to fail this is worth remembering
I spent the time at home making out accounts from
9 oclok till 2 in the morning.
~ Friday
5th I spent the day on History
~ Saturday
6th I spent the fore part of the day on History the
afternoon I spent at home I made a family Party
in connexion with A. O. Smoot & his family Bishop
Hunter & family was also present the party passed off
vary plesantly ({except one accident})D Carnes & Rockwood myself
called upon President Young for council upon keeping prisioners
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle at 10 oclok
Bishop Hoagland Prayed & J. C. Little was mouth
I called upon President Young & spent most of the day
in his office with him & H. C. Kimball & D. H. WellsG. A. Smith
reading papers which come by the Eastern mail which arived
on saturday the 6th there was but little News except the
Atlantic cable telegraph has sceased to work & 22 more persons
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," November 2, 1858 - November 7, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,