stupid I feel that there hearts are more set upon the
things of their farms than they are to prepare for the
great day of the Lord. I pray the Lord to Bless us &
give us his Holy spirit to prepare us for his kingdom & comeing for Christ sake Amen
at 7 oclock in the evening the people again assembled &
Filled the House and they wer addressed by W. Woodruff who
said Brethren & Sisters I am truly glad to meet with you in
the capacity of a quarterly conference & visit you as a mission
I am truly thankful that I have a mission appointed me in con-
nextion with Parley P & Orson Pratt two of the Twelve Apostles for
it is the first time since the organization of this church & Quorum
that I have had this privilege of being associated together with
those two men on a preaching mission ownly as we have met ain a conferene from time to time to transact business as a Quo[ru]m
I called them Apostles, is it true that they are apostles it is eithr [true]
or false. if it false then your faith is vain your religion is
vain you have not the kingdom of God with you nor the priesthood
with the blessings have you. but if you they are true Apostles
then you have the kingdom of God with you the Priesthood & the
keys of the kingdom of God & a presidency who hold the keys of the
kingdom of God on the Earth & govern that kingdom for the benefit
of the people then you are bound to listen to our words & teaching &
to the teaching of the presidency of this Church. when I arived in this place I spent the night at Brother Steeds after I retired to
rest I prayed to the Lord to show me what he wished me to teach
to the people the spirit of the Lord said to me teach the people
to obtain the Holy Spirit that they may receive teaching
then let the missionaries keep the spirit of the Lord with
them & that will constantly dictate them what to teach
you have had a flood of light poured out upon you since the
commencement of this conference & we should listen to it
we should pay particular attention to our children & tea[c]h
them good things & not permit them to spend their time
in reading novels & filling their minds with fals hood &
folly & things wharein there is no profit which will lead
them asstray & make them fit subjects for destruction
when this is the case through the parents neglect they will
have to answer for that sin. The Bible Book of Mormo
& Doctrins & Covenant should be read by our children
instead of French novels & negro songs for whatever seed
is sown in the minds of our children the same kind of fruit
will be produced
[rest of page blank]
stupid I feel that there hearts are more set upon the
things of their farms than they are to prepare for the
great day of the Lord. I pray the Lord to Bless us &
give us his Holy spirit to prepare us for his kingdom &
comeing for Christ sake Amen
at 7 oclock in the evening the people again assembled &
filled the House and they were addressed by W. Woodruff who
said Brethren & Sisters I am truly glad to meet with you in
the capacity of a quarterly conference & visit you as a mission
I am truly thankful that I have a mission appointed me in connextion with Parley P & Orson Pratt two of the Twelve Apostles for
it is the first time since the organization of this church & Quorum
that I have had this privilege of being associated together with
those two men on a preaching mission ownly as we have met
in a conference from time to time to transact business as a Quorum
I called them Apostles, is it true that they are apostles it is either true
or false, if it false then your faith is vain your religion is
vain you have not the Kingdom of God with you nor the priesthood
with the blessings have you. but if they are true Apostles
then you have the kingdom of God with you the Priesthood & the
keys of the kingdom of God & a presidency who hold the keys of the
kingdom of God on the Earth & govern that kingdom for the benefit
of the people then you are bound to listen to our words & teaching &
to the teaching of the presidency of this Church. when I arived in this
place I spent the night at Brother Steeds after I retired to
rest I prayed to the Lord to show me what he wished me to teach
to the people the spirit of the Lord said to me teach the people
to obtain the Holy spirit that they may receive teaching
then let the missionaries keep the spirit of the Lord with
them & that will constantly dictate them what to teach
you have had a flood of light poured out upon you since the
commencement of this conference & we should listen to it
we should pay particular attention to our children & teach
them good things & not permit them to spend their time
in reading novels & filling their minds with fals hood &
folly & things wharein there is no profit which will lead
them asstray & make them fit subjects for destruction
when this is the case through the parents neglect they will
have to answer for that sin. The Bible Book of Mormon
& Doctrins & Covenant should be read by our children
instead of French novels & negro songs for whatever seed
is sown in the minds of our children the same kind of fruit
will be produced
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 21, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,