Sunday Oct 21 Meeting opened by singing & prayer
By T D Brown at 10 oclock. Brother Lorenzo D Young
addressed the People in the forenoon He spoke upon the subject
of the setting up the kingdom of God on the earth in our day & the
blessings which God will give us & refered to the coming of
Crhrist in the flesh to the Jews who were looking for a
Great king to come to come sit upon the throne of David
spake of the crusifixion of Christ. His blood was shed &
that Nation had to be chastized in consequence of it &
they deserved it for they were worthy we know the
Blood of Christ was shed for the redemption of mankind
He spoke of the Endowments in the temple said the people always
were afaraid of the truth & always prejudicest against the profits
of God but that did not stop the spread of the work of God. some
say shall we stay here long I do not know but I can say that
we shall stay as long as we wish to. If all the Nations of the
Earth were to come against us they could not drive us away
if we driveo our duty before the Lord & put our trust in him
& do unto all men as we would wish to be done by in all things
& if all will do this we shall not have much trouble in the
kingdom of God some think that we have not as much faith
as we used to have I cannot believe this I believe we are
advanceing in the kingdom of God. some are much tryed
because all are not healed that they lay hands upon but I do not feel
so I had a case during conference concerning the case of
Sister Baris she was sick & I laid Hands upon her & blessed
her with life & helth & went to meeting in an hour I had
word that she was dead. it did not try me. the Lord saw fit to
take her & all is right. there is many duties devolving upon us
& one of those duties are to pay our debts if I owe a man
& He comes to me & says you owe me so much & I need it
in my family I will pay that man to the full extent of
my power I will divide the last loaf with him. I consider
this one of our duties & I will say I never knew
a man get rich by taking great Interest neither
do I ever expe[c]t to. He requested the Brethren
to remember the Twelve & administer in tempora[l]
things while they Adminst[er]ed in spiritual things
Sunday PM. Elder O. Pratt addressed the Assemb[ly]
He arose & said I should have been pleased to have heard
from Brother Woodruff & others if [I] had not been called
upon to speak I dont know when I have been mor
Edifyed than in the discourses I have heard at this
conference esspecially the discours of Brother Parley
yesterday morning it was so plain & simple I tried
to enter into the feelings of the speaker. I tryed to
bring mysel to this scene & fancied to mysel how I
would feel in Hearing the message of Glad tidings that
a savior was born & also in being associated with him
in life then the sorrow of his being taken away & crucified
then the great Joy in his resurrection & his teachings
while in his Immortal body. but when I think of
the greater things which are to take place in our
day I do not regret that I did not live in that day
for there are greater things to come forth than was
manifest in that day For that kingdom of God of which
all the prophets have spoken since the world began has now
come forth as a preparation for the second coming of
Christ not coming to be born in a manger but He will
come From Heaven clothed with all that great Glory & power
of which the prophets have spoken no[w] are we preparing for
thsis great Event now if a stranger was to come to us
they would not suppose that we were preparing for this
great Event but was merely cultivating the Earth to raise
potatoes corn wheat &c. I do not believe for a mom[en]t
that is the case for I do believe that this people are preparing
for the Comming of Christ. what will take place at that
time I have red in the book of mormon what that book
says will take plase we can read the great things that are
spoken in that Book (He read some unto the people) I will
take it to myself I will ^have^ not been as diligent in readi[ng]
that Book as I should have been I have red many other
books of late but not so much in the book of Mormon as formerly
I have seen the time that I could read nearly whole Books
in the book of Mormon without looking upon that book I am
trying to get all the sayings in the Books in my own mind
that are spoken concerning the signs of the times in the day
in which we live for I am well aware that it will over-
take many as a thief in the night in the midst of the saints [Doctrine and Covenants 106:4]
now let us look at the tokens or singns of the times that
are passing before us oras many as present themelves
to our minds. I will read a revelation given to P P pr[a]tt
& others "Jesus Christ will not come in the form of
a woman nor like a man walking upon the face of the
earth. but look forth for the Heavens to be shaken & the
mountains to be laid low &c when shall thes things be
when the Angel shall sound his trumpet two events will
take place at the same time. also the Lord said the La-
manites shall Blossom as the rose in the wilderness [Doctrine and Covenants 49:22-24] now
we know that this will not take place in a moment
for we know it will take some time to prepare the
Lamanits for this work it will require a great
miracle to bring that people to that state or it will
take some great changes to bring it about this is but
one of the Events that is to take place before the coming
of Christ. I am glad to hear the account of the brethren
who have gone among that people I am satisfied that
that people will not be prepared to resceive the blessings of
God untill they cultivate the Earth & when this done we
shall Have accomplished the great work but ^not^ untill that
time is done then sumthing will be done then we
will be inspired to teach them & ther children and
all men will be blessed who labour faithfully to bring
them to this state of things. Jacob shall flourish in
the wilderness the Lamanites shall blossom as the rose [Doctrine and Covenants 49:24]
we shall hear of Israel and of their prophets & Revelatons
in other parts of the Earth. I do not say that they will
have the priesthood from this people nor I do not
say they will not for there are other men who hold
keys of the kingdom of God on the Earth the Revela-
tor & the three Nephits hold the keys of the kingdom
of God & they will administer unto the children of men
Zion shall flourish upon the Hills & rejoice excedingly [Doctrine and Covenants 49:25]
upon the mountains [Doctrine and Covenants 49:25] when this revelations was given
there was no gathering at all Joseph had got to kirtland
I have no idea that the prophet himself knew at that
time whare this would be. We are now here in the
mountains in fulfillment of that Prophesy and
Revelation Also in the 40th chapter of Isaiah com-
forting words were spoken concerning the Jews & Jerrusalem
they were to go to Jerrusalem for they had received
double reward for all their sins now comfort them
a did all thes things take place in the wilderness in Zion
& in Jerrusalem in the days of the ^Birth of the^ Savior No they did not
then that same John Had yet to do a great work in the
Earth in the last days who first delivered the priesthood
to Joseph Smith the prophet & founder of the Church of
Christ in this dispensation it was this same John the
Baptist so he has fullfilled a part of his last day mis-
sion. O Zion get the[e] up into the High mountains that
bringest good tidings [Isaiah 40:9] we say that this was not
done at its first organization. why shall Zion get
up into the High mountains w[h]y to Judge the Nations of
the Earth. this people will know righteous Judgment
this people will be protected & shall Judge the people
of the Earth. it is said God will pour out knowledge
& power upon Zion these [are] some of the things that will
take place before the coming of Christ. now that we may
know that this is the case see what the Lord says
Behold the Lord will come He will gather his people
& carry them in his arms. [Isaiah 40:10-11] we have come up Here
in these mountains. well now have we flourished
yes we have, we have flourished yet not as much
as we shall. the Lord has said that we shall be the rival
of all people yet we are cautioned to beware of pride
lest we become like the Nephites of old & some prophets
have said that we should be chastized that the church
wandered in the wilderness were faint & ready to fall down
this people from the commencemt have passed through
oppression & difficulty we that have not been in the
church from an Early day & do not know the History
of it can learn it by reading the News published
in Salt Lake City and we can Just als well read
the future History & events of this church by reading
the prophets that have spoken concerning us. shall
we be in thiese mountains when Christ comes No
at least head quarters will not be here it will have
to be on more ground it will be in Jackson Co Mo
we may leave some Millions here but the Head quarters
will be ion more ground whare shall we go to the new
Jerrusalem whare there will be built a great Capitol
& Temple & we have got to build it. we & all our children
who are 8 years old know that when we have tryed
to build a city the Lord has suffered it to be thrown down
so that we may have experince so that we shall know
how to build up a New Jerrusalem so that it will
be exceptable unto the Lord so that it will never be
thrown down but be saved & taken into Heaven
and preserved in Eternity & when that is done Jesus Christ
will come to visit it Angels will come that will be
before the great day of Christ coming & our dwellings will
be overshadowed bwith a cloud by day & a pillow of fire
by night so we can see to get home without stumbling [Isaiah 4:5]
it will be the most improved plan of ligh[t]ing up our
City. How will it be with the Lamanits they will
be the most important actors in the scene we shall
be secondly in that work they will be so delightful
& have such great knowledge of Architecture that
they will be able to build up a New Jerrusalem
then we shall go out throughout all the land to
gather all the remnant of Jacob the Lamanits to come
to the New Jerrusalem what For why that they may
be prepared to be caught up to meet Christ in the clouds
of Heaven then Christ will come & stand in the midst
of this people & they will be prepard to be caught up to
meet Jesus Christ in the air then do I want to have
lived in the day when Christ was born no I do not
I would rath[er] live in this age now some of us may
live in that day to see the seed of Israel gathered what
should you expect we should expect to see Jesus come
but should we see him come without any sign No we
should see Angels flying through the Heavens crying
to all the Earth to prepare for the great day of Judgmt
is coming what next should we see there will be a
sign that all people will see in all the Earth as Israel
made a calf to worship so will there be five foolish
virgins in the midst of all these signs. what shall
we hear then. we shall hear another Trumpet
sounded saying that the great day of God will come
upon Babylon that her bands are made strong so
that No man can losose them then shall the curtain
of Heaven be unfolded as a scroll [Doctrine and Covenants 88:92-95] so you can see
it as you would gaze upon a map then you may
know the time has come tofor the Saints of God to be
caught up into Heaven that will be the great day for
the Saints of God, but awful to the wicked then the
earth will reel to & fro like a drunken man [Doctrine and Covenants 88:87] it will
be the greatsest Earthquake there ever has been
on Earth what next will take place the graves of
the Saints will be opened & they will come forth
out of their graves clothed with glory Immortality
& Eternal life & Enter in to the cloud [Doctrine and Covenants 88:96-97] Jesus Christ
does not come yet for there is other signs to take
place. The Angels are to sound there Trumpets O
what must be the feelings of the people of all the Earth
when they see the Heavens opened and the New Jerrusa-
lem with all its inhabitants & the resurrected Saints all
asscend into the cloud while they are left upon the Earth
there feelings must be awful. there are many more
things I might speak of but time will not permit.
There is many of the greatest things to take place in our
day that has ever taken place on Earth are we prepared
I think not I mourn over this people to see them so
stupid I feel that there hearts are more set upon the
things of their farms than they are to prepare for the
great day of the Lord. I pray the Lord to Bless us &
give us his Holy spirit to prepare us for his kingdom &
comeing for Christ sake Amen
at 7 oclock in the evening the people again assembled &
Filled the House and they wer addressed by W. Woodruff who
said Brethren & Sisters I am truly glad to meet with you in
the capacity of a quarterly conference & visit you as a mission
I am truly thankful that I have a mission appointed me in con-
nextion with Parley P & Orson Pratt two of the Twelve Apostles for
it is the first time since the organization of this church & Quorum
that I have had this privilege of being associated together with
those two men on a preaching mission ownly as we have met
ain a conferene from time to time to transact business as a Quo[ru]m
I called them Apostles, is it true that they are apostles it is eithr [true]
or false. if it false then your faith is vain your religion is
vain you have not the kingdom of God with you nor the priesthood
with the blessings have you. but if you they are true Apostles
then you have the kingdom of God with you the Priesthood & the
keys of the kingdom of God & a presidency who hold the keys of the
kingdom of God on the Earth & govern that kingdom for the benefit
of the people then you are bound to listen to our words & teaching &
to the teaching of the presidency of this Church. when I arived in this
place I spent the night at Brother Steeds after I retired to
rest I prayed to the Lord to show me what he wished me to teach
to the people the spirit of the Lord said to me teach the people
to obtain the Holy Spirit that they may receive teaching
then let the missionaries keep the spirit of the Lord with
them & that will constantly dictate them what to teach
you have had a flood of light poured out upon you since the
commencement of this conference & we should listen to it
we should pay particular attention to our children & tea[c]h
them good things & not permit them to spend their time
in reading novels & filling their minds with fals hood &
folly & things wharein there is no profit which will lead
them asstray & make them fit subjects for destruction
when this is the case through the parents neglect they will
have to answer for that sin. The Bible Book of Mormo
& Doctrins & Covenant should be read by our children
instead of French novels & negro songs for whatever seed
is sown in the minds of our children the same kind of fruit
will be produced
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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.
how can we Hate our Brother whom we have seen & love God whom we have not seen. again if we have ought against our Brother we should go to him & be reconciled & not go to law & if we do wrong or injure the feelings of another unjustly we should ask forgiveness & make recincileation & when a person gets a thorrough victory over themselves in thes matters they gain a far greater victory than they would in taking sebastipol.
I listened with attention to the remarks of Brother Clements upon the subject of Prayer I believe the Lord Hears prayers we had a sample of this in Harm[on]y the grasshopers had destroyed the crops in the settlements north of us & they began to approach our fields & began upon our grain we called a meeting & made the matter a subject of prayer at night we went out next morning & there was no live grass hoppers to be to seen but the ground was coverd with dead ones
I have spoken of my mission among the Lamanites the question has been asked will the Lamanites work I will say that the Lamanites work hard whare I have been some of them have worked for me & they would do more hard labour in a day than I could while making our picket fort two of the Indians would cut 100 cedar Pickets in a day. I have known old Indians plant Acres of land & dig up the ground with a paddle & when they saw us plough the ground they rejoiced much to see how much faster we could turn over the ground with an Iron plough than they could with a woodden paddle.
Brother Parley pratt said I was ingaged in the best ^work^ I could be ingaged in I feel that we are bringing that people to a knowledge of the things of God when I have traveled among them they have treated me vary kind I called upon a chief one day & I was hungry. His squaw went to work & dryed some wheat heads by the fire rubed out the wheat in her hands put it onto a smooth stone & took another smooth round stone & ground it fine & made me a cake of it & baked it by the fire while she was doing this her daughter made me some good wine out of some buries she had preserved so I had bread & wine for my dinner, all manufactured in a few moments. they rejoiced at our visit with them & many of them have been baptized & in some instances try to imitate our practices. In one instance a company of three came to visit us all highly painted up & dressed in the best they had when they came to us we told them the mormons did not paint they went to the creek & washed it all off. we feel that much good is begining to be done among that People
some say shall we stay here long I do not know but I can say that we shall stay as long as we wish to. If all the Nations of the Earth were to come against us they could not drive us away if we doing our duty before the Lord & put our trust in him & do unto all men as we would wish to be done by in all things & if all will do this we shall not have much trouble in the kingdom of God
some think that we have not as much faith as we used to have I cannot believe this I believe we are advanceing in the kingdom of God. some are much tryed because all are not healed that they lay hands upon but I do not feel so I had a case during conference concerning the case of Sister Baris she was sick & I laid Hands upon her & blessed her with life & helth & went to meeting in an hour I had word that she was dead. it did not try me. the Lord saw fit to take her & all is right. there is many duties devolving upon us & one of these duties are to pay our debts if I owe a man & He comes to me & says you owe me so much & I need it in my family I will pay that man to the full extent of my power I will divide the last loaf with him. I consider this one of our duties & I will say I never knew a man get rich by taking great Interest neither do I ever expe[c]t to. He requested the Brethren to remember the Twelve & administer in temporal things while they Administered in spiritual things
I tryed to bring mysel[f] to this scene & fancied to mysel[f] how I would feel in Hearing the message of Glad tidings that a savior was born & also in being associated with him in life then the sorrow of his being taken away & crucified then the great Joy in his resurrection & his teachings while in his Immortal body. but when I think of the greater things which are to take place in our day I do not regret that I did not live in that day for there are greater things to come forth than was manifest in that day. For that kingdom of God of which all the prophets have spoken since the world began has now come forth as a preparation for the second coming of Christ not coming to be born in a manger but He will
come From Heaven clothed with all that great Glory & power of which the prophets have spoken no are we preparing for th^i^se great Event now if a stranger was to come to us they would not suppose that we were preparing for this great Event but was merely cultivating the Earth to raise potatoes corn wheat &c. I do not believe for a moment that is the case for I do believe that this people are preparing for the Coming of Christ. what will take place at that time I have red in the book of mormon what that book says will take plase we can read the great things that are spoken in that Book.
Brethren & Sisters I am truly glad to meet with you in the capacity of a quarterly conference & visit you as a mission I am truly thankful that I have a mission appointed me in con- nextion with Parley P & Orson Pratt two of the Twelve Apostles for it is the first time since the organization of this church & Quorum that I have had this privilege of being associated together with those two men on a preaching mission ownly as we have met ain a conference from time to time to transact business as a Quo[ru]m I called them Apostles, is it true that they are apostles it is eith[er true] or false, if it false then your faith is vain your religion is vain you have not the Kingdom of God with you nor the priesthood with the blessings have you. but if you they are true Apostles then you have the kingdom of God with you the Priesthood & the keys of the kingdom of God & a presidency who hold the keys of the kingdom of God on the Earth & govern that kingdom for the benefit of the people then you are bound to listen to our words & teaching & to the teaching of the presidency of this Church.
when I arived in this place I spent the night at Brother Steeds after I retired to rest I prayed to the Lord to show me what he wished me to teach to the people the spirit of the Lord said to me teach the people to obtain the Holy spirit that they may receive teaching then let the missionaries keep the spirit of the Lord with them & that will constantly dictate them what to teach you have had a flood of light poured out upon you since the commencement of this conference & we should listen to it we should pay particular attention to our children & teach them good things & not permit them to spend their time in reading novels & filling their minds with fals hood & folly & things wharein there is no profit which will lead them asstray & make them fit subjects for destruction when this is the case through the parents neglect they will have to answer for that sin. The Bible Book of Mormon & Doctrins & Covenant should be read by our children instead of French novels & negro songs for whatever seed is sown in the minds of our children the same kind of fruit
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.