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Day in the Life

Oct 21, 1855

Journal Entry

October 21, 1855 ~ Sunday

Sunday Oct 21 Meeting opened by singing & prayer
By T D Brown at 10 oclock. Brother Lorenzo D Young
addressed the People in the forenoon. He spoke upon the subject
of setting up the kingdom of God on the Earth in our day & the
blessings which God will give us & refered to the coming of
Christ in the flesh to the Jews who were looking for a


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
122 mentions
Brown, Thomas Dunlop
16 Dec 1807 - 20 Mar 1874
30 mentions


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

how can we Hate our Brother whom we have seen & love God whom we have not seen. again if we have ought against our Brother we should go to him & be reconciled & not go to law & if we do wrong or injure the feelings of another unjustly we should ask forgiveness & make recincileation & when a person gets a thorrough victory over themselves in thes matters they gain a far greater victory than they would in taking sebastipol.
~ Gilbert Clements
I listened with attention to the remarks of Brother Clements upon the subject of Prayer I believe the Lord Hears prayers we had a sample of this in Harm[on]y the grasshopers had destroyed the crops in the settlements north of us & they began to approach our fields & began upon our grain we called a meeting & made the matter a subject of prayer at night we went out next morning & there was no live grass hoppers to be to seen but the ground was coverd with dead ones
~ Gilbert Clements
I have spoken of my mission among the Lamanites the question has been asked will the Lamanites work I will say that the Lamanites work hard whare I have been some of them have worked for me & they would do more hard labour in a day than I could while making our picket fort two of the Indians would cut 100 cedar Pickets in a day. I have known old Indians plant Acres of land & dig up the ground with a paddle & when they saw us plough the ground they rejoiced much to see how much faster we could turn over the ground with an Iron plough than they could with a woodden paddle.
~ Gilbert Clement
Brother Parley pratt said I was ingaged in the best ^work^ I could be ingaged in I feel that we are bringing that people to a knowledge of the things of God when I have traveled among them they have treated me vary kind I called upon a chief one day & I was hungry. His squaw went to work & dryed some wheat heads by the fire rubed out the wheat in her hands put it onto a smooth stone & took another smooth round stone & ground it fine & made me a cake of it & baked it by the fire while she was doing this her daughter made me some good wine out of some buries she had preserved so I had bread & wine for my dinner, all manufactured in a few moments. they rejoiced at our visit with them & many of them have been baptized & in some instances try to imitate our practices. In one instance a company of three came to visit us all highly painted up & dressed in the best they had when they came to us we told them the mormons did not paint they went to the creek & washed it all off. we feel that much good is begining to be done among that People
~ Parley P. Pratt


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Oct 21, 1855