and preserved in Eternity & when that is done Jesus Christ
will come to visit it Angels will come that will be
before the great day of Christ coming & our dwellings will
be overshadowed bwith a cloud by day & a pillow of fire
by night so we can see to get home without stumbling [Isaiah 4:5]
it will be the most improved plan of ligh[t]ing up our City. How will it be with the Lamanits they will
be the most important actors in the scene we shall
be secondly in that work they will be so delightful
& have such great knowledge of Architecture that
they will be able to build up a New Jerrusalem
then we shall go out throughout all the land to
gather all the remnant of Jacob the Lamanits to come
to the New Jerrusalem what For why that they may
be prepared to be caught up to meet Christ in the clouds
of Heaven then Christ will come & stand in the midst
of this people & they will be prepard to be caught up to
meet Jesus Christ in the air then do I want to have
lived in the day when Christ was born no I do not
I would rath[er] live in this age now some of us may
live in that day to see the seed of Israel gathered what
should you expect we should expect to see Jesus come
but should we see him come without any sign No we
should see Angels flying through the Heavens crying
to all the Earth to prepare for the great day of Judgmt
is coming what next should we see there will be a
sign that all people will see in all the Earth as Israel
made a calf to worship so will there be five foolish
virgins in the midst of all these signs. what shall
we hear then. we shall hear another Trumpet
sounded saying that the great day of God will come
upon Babylon that her bands are made strong so
that No man can losose them then shall the curtain
of Heaven be unfolded as a scroll [Doctrine and Covenants 88:92-95] so you can see
it as you would gaze upon a map then you may
know the time has come tofor the Saints of God to be
caught up into Heaven that will be the great day for
the Saints of God, but awful to the wicked then the
earth will reel to & fro like a drunken man [Doctrine and Covenants 88:87] it will
be the greatsest Earthquake there ever has been
on Earth what next will take place the graves of
the Saints will be opened & they will come forth
out of their graves clothed with glory Immortality
& Eternal life & Enter in to the cloud [Doctrine and Covenants 88:96-97] Jesus Christ
does not come yet for there is other signs to take
place. The Angels are to sound there Trumpets O
what must be the feelings of the people of all the Earth
when they see the Heavens opened and the New Jerrusa-
lem with all its inhabitants & the resurrected Saints all
asscend into the cloud while they are left upon the Earth
there feelings must be awful. there are many more
things I might speak of but time will not permit.
There is many of the greatest things to take place in our
day that has ever taken place on Earth are we prepared
I think not I mourn over this people to see them so
and preserved in Eternity & when that is done Jesus Christ
will come to visit it Angels will come that will be
before the great day of Christ coming & our dwellings will
be overshadowedwith a cloud by day & a pillow of fire
by night so we can see to get home without stumbling
it will be the most improved plan of lighting up our
City. How will it be with the Lamanites they will
be the most important actors in the scene we shall
be secondly in that work they will be so delightful
& have such great knowledge of Architecture that
they will be able to build up a New Jerrusalem
then we shall go out throughout all the land to
gather all the remnant of Jacob the Lamanites to come
to the New Jerrusalem what For why that they may
be prepared to be caught up to meet Christ in the clouds
of Heaven then Christ will come & stand in the midst
of this people & they will be prepared to be caught up to
meet Jesus Christ in the air then do I want to have
lived in the day when Christ was born no I do not
I would rather live in this age now some of us may
live in that day to see the seed of Israel gathered what
should you expect we should expect to see Jesus come
but should we see him come without any sign No we
should see Angels flying through the Heavens crying
to all the Earth to prepare for the great day of Judgment
is coming what next should we see there will be a
sign that all people will see in all the Earth as Israel
made a calf to worship so will there be five foolish
virgins in the midst of all these signs. what shall
we hear then. we shall hear another Trumpet
sounded saying that the great day of God will come
upon Babylon that her bands are made strong so
that No man can loose them then shall the curtain
of Heaven be unfolded as a scroll so you can see
it as you would gaze upon a map then you may
know the time has come for the saints of God to be
caught up into Heaven that will be the great day for
the saints of God, but awful to the wicked then the
Earth will reel to & fro like a drunken man it will
be the greatest Earthquake there ever has been
On Earth what next will take place the graves of
the saints will be opened & they will come forth
out of their gravs clothed with glory Immortality
& Eternal life & Enter in to the cloud Jesus Christ
does not come yet for there is other signs to take
place. The Angels are to sound there Trumpets O
what must be the feelings of the people of all the Earth
when they see the Heavens opened & the New Jerrusalem with all its inhabitants & the resurrected saints all
asscend into the cloud while they are left upon the Earth
there feelings must be awful. there are many more
things I might speak of but time will not permit.
There is many of the greatest things to take place in our
day that has ever taken place on Earth are we prepared
I think not I mourn over this people to see them so
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 21, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,