July 31: I called upon Brother Kimball early this morning & had some
conversation with him He told me a dream He said He thought He
had some Hogs caught with ropes & he was driving them up a moun-
tain He had one vary fat hog He said we had better kill him
he would never be as good again to kill as now he told some one to
take care of him for a while till he could attend to some others
and they let him get away from them & the hog ran up the mount
ain with all his might when Brother Kimball saw him he took
after him & told the brethren to help ketch him & kill him
but they could not ketch him so he got away He gave me what He
thought to be interpetation of the dream the Hogs were our Enemies
& one of them run away a few days since. I called upon President Young & had some conversation with him I then went to the Endowment House & worked till 2 oclok {President Young sealed Sarah Delight Stocking to me.
She was born in Canton, Hartford County} Ct July 28 1838 I spent the
Afternoon in the office while in the Endowment House Presid-
ent Kimball said He wished me to write the account of the saying
of Joseph the prophet when He plegded himself that He would
not speak upon a certain occasion untill all the 12 Had spoken
so he had to sit 3/4 of a day & hear the 12 express their feelings
& he could not say a word He then said to the 12 you have
caught me this once & I now want to give you some advise
never get caught as I have never go into a cornor unles
s you can see your way out in some manner we gathered
togeth[er] a copy of all our works by request of President
Brigham Young to make a Deposit of them {in the corner of the temple}
~ Saturday
Aug 1st I spent the day in the office mostly. I called upon Eleanor
Pratt & got an account of the death & burial of Elder P. P. Pratt
who was murdered by MCLain
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I attended meeting all day Elias SmithH C Kimball
& B Young spoke in the fore noon in great plainness the spirit & power of God was upon them the reporters took
a report of their sermons, so I do not make any minutes
of them. G A Smith spoke in the Afternoon gave an account
of his experience from the begining told of being sealed up
to Eternal Damnation 9 times by a prysbeterian priest
when he was a boy because he would not go to an
anxious seat gave a rehersal of the smith family
blesed his friends & cursed his Enemies &c I attended
the prayer Circle many remarks were made upon the subject
of sending the U S troops to this Territory President Young said
that our enemies will perish in their own corruptions. I think it
will be well to send some missionaries through the states and tell
the brethren to pick up their budgets & come to the valley and
go to England let the brethren do this that go with the Mail
The U S are fools to come upon this people & so are those men
who are bringing great quantities of goods unto us this season
if the United States send out troops to fight us this season we
shall whip them out then they will send out reinforcements
then we shall have the Lamanites with us & the more the United
states send out the wors off they will be for they will perish
with Famine. I do not think any thing about guns or powder for
if the United States begin war with us I intend they shall furnish
~ Friday
July 31: I called upon Brother Kimball early this morning & had some
conversation with him He told me a dream He said He thought He
had some Hogs caught with ropes & he was driving them up a mountain He had one vary fat hog He said we had better kill him
he would never be as good again to kill as now he told some one to
take care of him for a while till he could attend to some others
and they let him get away from them & the hog ran up the mount
ain with all his might when Brother Kimball saw him he took
after him & told the brethren to help ketch him & kill him
but they could not ketch him so he got away He gave me what He
thought to be interpetation of the dream the Hogs were our Enemies
& one of them run away a few days since. I called upon President
Young & had some conversation with him I then went to the
Endowment House & worked till 2 oclok {President Young sealed Sarah Delight Stocking to me. She was born in Canton, Hartford County} Ct July 28 1838 I spent the
afternoon in the office while in the Endowment House President Kimball said He wished me to write the account of the saying
of Joseph the prophet when He pleged himself that He would
not speak upon a certain occasion untill all the 12 Had spoken
so he had to sit 3/4 of a day & hear the 12 express their feelings
& he could not say a word He then said to the 12 you have
caught me this once & I now want to give you some advise
never get caught as I have never go into a cornor unles
s you can see your way out in some manner we gathered
together a copy of all our works by request of President
Brigham Young to make a Deposit of them {in the corner of the temple}
~ Saturday
Aug 1st I spent the day in the office mostly. I called upon Eleanor
Pratt & got an account of the death & burial of Elder P. P. Pratt
who was murdered by MCLain
~ Sunday
2nd sunday I attended meeting all day Elias SmithH C Kimball
& B Young spoke in the fore noon in great plainness the
spirit & power of God was upon them the reporters took
a report of their sermons, so I do not make any minutes
of them. G A Smith spoke in the Afternoon gave an account
of his experience from the begining told of being sealed up
to Eternal Damnation 9 times by a prysbeterian priest
when he was a boy because he would not go to an
anxious seat gave a rehersal of the smith family
blesed his friends & cursed his Enemies &c I attended
the prayer Circle many remarks were made upon the subject
of sending the US troops to this Territory President Young said
that our enemies will perish in their own corruptions. I think it
will be well to send some missionaries through the states and tell
the brethren to pick up their budgets & come to the valley and
go to England let the brethren do this that go with the Mail
The US are fools to come upon this people & so are those men
who are bringing great quantities of Goods unto us this season
if the United States send out troops to fight us this season we
shall whip them out then they will send out reinforcements
then we shall have the Lamanites with us & the more the United
states send out the wors off they will be for they will perish
with Famine. I do not think any thing about guns or powder for
if the United States begin war with us I intend they shall furnish
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," July 31, 1857 - August 2, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/oYv3