Brother Elebrbeck will make out the bill of Lumber. It will take
23254 feet of Lumber for the bottom peaces of the Tunnel it will
cost $27,301.25 to dig out the Earth admitting that it is sandy Loam
as they expect it is. "I will give $2 per bushel for wheat delivered
at my upper Mill
A committy from the Poly Literary Musical society consisting of Wm Edirngton, Hugh Finley ^&^ Wm G Mills called upon President Young to consult his feelings upon the subject of continuing those
Entertainments. President Young said I do not like some things that
have been there most of the Sisters & Brethren have written vary
good Essays but some have been vulger but I have no objections
to their being continued if they can be conducted in wrRighteousness
I would like to have you get a globe revolving there & give Lectures
upon Geography History & science they all belong to our religion
and there is but few that can retain in there memory the geography
of the world so lectures would be interesting to many upon those subjects
I do not want to hear balde[r]dash, but I want to hear thoat
which is right & tends to good
Presidents B Young H C Kimball & J M Grant came into the office at 2 oclok to hear History read they staid through the afternoon
& heard history read while reading James Gorden & Jacob
Wilder came in & reported that thirteen families had got the small
pox & that it was spreading. He received orders to keep the people at
home who had or had been exposed
~ Friday
24th I spent the day in the office on History & Journal. A man arived
last evening from Laramie informs us that A. O. Smoot was at Green river will be at Bridger to night will be expected in in 10 days
The last company the Indians Killed they had killed the same
Number of the Indians whites as the souldiers had killed of the Indians
then they were satisfied & gave themselves up & also surrenderd
Mrs Margeetts who they had taken prisioner. He herd from
Laramie the 24 sept. snow 8 inches deep on the big Mountain
there was snow to Green River. Porter Rockwell was laid up for
the snow on hams Fork
25 I spent this day choreing went to Mill got 20 bushels
of wheat ground, drew 2 load of Adobies
~ Sunday
26th Sunday I attended meeting all day at the Tabernacle Elder Dan Jones was called upon to speak he was
vary weak & feble He looked nearly worn out his
lungs was vary weak. He spoke but a short time when He
closed He was followed by President Kimball who spoke
in the power of God at the close of his remarks He called for
all the Horse teams in the city & country to go into the Mountains
& pick up the companies who were coming with hand Carts
& bring them into the city. 115 Teams were raised in a few
moments, all were to be prepared to start in the morning they
were to take grain to feed them with. this is a great [expos]
to this Territory to send out so many teams to bring in the
companies in consequence of their starting so late this was in
Brother Elerbeck will make out the bill of Lumber. It will take
23254 feet of Lumber for the bottom peaces of the Tunnel it will
cost $27301.25 to dig out the Earth admitting that it is sandy Loam
as they expect it is. "I will give $2 per bushel for wheat delivered
at my upper Mill
A committy from the Literary Musical society consisting of
Wngton, Hugh Finley & Wm G Mills called upon President
Young to consult his feelings upon the subject of continuing those
Entertainments. President Young said I do not like some things that
have been there most of the sisters & Brethren have written vary
good Essays but some have been vulger but I have no objections
to their being continued if they can be conducted in Righteousness
I would like to have you get a globe revolving there & give Lectures
upon Geography History & science they all belong to our religion
and there is but few that can retain in there memory the Geography
of the world so lectures would be interesting to many upon those subjects
I do not want to hear baldedash, but I want to hear thoat
which is right & tends to good
Presidents B Young H C Kimball & J M Grant came into the
office at 2 oclok to hear History read they staid through the afternoon
& heard history read while reading James Gorden & Jacob
Wilder came in & reported that thirteen families had got the small
pox & that it was spreading. He received orders to keep the people at
home who had or had been exposed
~ Friday
24th I spent the day in the office on History & Journal. A man arived
last evening from Laramie informs us that A. O. Smoot was at
Green river will be at Bridger to night will be expected in in 10 days
The last company the Indians Killed they had killed the same
Number of the whites as the souldiers had killed of the Indians
then they were satisfied & gave themselves up & also surrenderd
Mrs Margeetts who they had taken prisioner. He herd from
Laramie the 24 sept, snow 8 inches deep on the big Mountain
there was snow to Green River. Porter Rockwell was laid up for
the Snow on hams Fork
25 I spent this day Choreing went to Mill got 20 bushels
of wheat ground, drew 2 load of Adobies
~ Sunday
26th Sunday I attended meeting all day at the Tabernacle
FIGURES Elder Dan Jones was called upon to speak he was
vary weak & feble He looked nearly worn out his
lungs was vary weak He spoke but a short time when He
closed He was followed by President Kimball who spoke
in the power of God at the close of his remarks He called for
all the Horse teams in the City & Country to go into the Mountains
& pick up the companies who were coming with hand Carts
& bring them into the City 115 Teams were raised in a few
moments, all were to be prepared to start in the morning they
were to take grain to feed them with. this is a great expos
to this Territory to send out so many teams to bring in the
companies in consequence of their starting so late this was in
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 23, 1856 - October 26, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,