consequence of some who were in Authority not obeying council
but rather blocked up the way. An the Afternoon President J. M. Grant
& H. C. Kimball & L. W. Hardy all spoke in the power of God & in
the demonstration of the Holy Ghost, they reproved, rebuked, exhorted
in the power of God accompanied with prophesying
I Attended the prayer circle. President B. Young was present He was
unwell & did not attend meeting through the day. The subject came
up concerning the Emigration starting so late that it had ICost this Territory more than it would to have bought oxen
& brought them through for we have had to send some
250 teams out to meet the Emigration & send some
20 Tons of flour & many thousands of Dollars worth
of shoes & clothing. President Young asked why they were
so late Brother Richards said that Elder Taylor wanted to
controll the emigration & means & would not take hold &
assist in the work without it President Young said Brother Young
Taylor was a good man in many things but he was not
fit to handle means I no more than a child. I am going to
inform Taall churches people & agents next season who do
not take my council that they shall be suspended from the
Church. Elder Taylor said that they could not be forwarded
short of £12 $58 which would not do at all President
Young said you had your positive instructions what to do
but John Taylor stood in your way & you did not do as you
were told & then people were sent so late that it has cost
us many thousands of Dollars to get them in now what
did you think of itsuch things. Elder Franklin Richards
said the ownly excuse I have to offer is that Orson Spencer
was dead & John Taylor took charge of all things in the states
& informed me that he had instructions from President
Young to attend to it which it appears was not correct
Elder Taylor wanted tho handle the money himself which
was wrong
I went to the 12 ward & preached & had the spirit of God
upon me. I was followed by Bishop Hardy & several others who
spoke in the spirit of the Lord
~ Monday
27th I spent most of the day preparing my waggon & team to go
into the mountain to assist the poor saints who are in the snow & on
the road with hand Carts I also put up a new boiler to day
to make Beet Molasses. I met with President Grant & all the Mission-
aries at Brother F. D. Richards
President Grant said Elders Woodruff & F. D. Richards would preside
over the missionaries & direct them in their work
W. Woodruff called upon President Grant to pray who opened the meeting
by prayer. W. Woodruff then gave an account of the procedings
of the former missionaries & what course he thought we ought
to persue. J M Grant then said we should do as though there
was no missionaries before. I want you to go through this Territory
& I want you to do as God wants you go prepared for Battle when
it is nessary. Jirk men up by there names wake up the bishops &
all presiding officers & then the people. The Church at Grantsvill on
the 4th of July lifted up an independant flag organized themselves &
appointed a president which was Brother Coolley He came to me
Consequence of some who were in Authority not obeying Council
but rather blocked up the way. An the Afternoon President J. M. Grant
& H. C. Kimball & L. W. Hardy all spoke in the power of God & in
the demonstration of the Holy Ghost, they reproved, rebuked, exhorted
in the power of God accompanied with prophesying
I Attended the prayer Circle. President B Young was present He was
unwell & did not attend meeting through the day. The subject came
up concerning the Emigration starting so late that it had
Cost this Territory more than it would to have bought oxen
& brought them through for we have had to send some
250 teams out to meet the Emigration & send some
20 Tons of flour & many thousands of Dollars worth
of shoes & clothing. President Young asked why they were
so late Brother Richards said that Elder Taylor wanted to
controll the Emigration & means & would not take hold &
assist in the work without it President Young said Brother
Taylor was a good man in many things but he was not
fit to handle means no more than a child I am going to
informall churches people & agents next season who do
not take my council that they shall be suspended from the
Church. Elder Taylor said that they could not be forwarded
short of £12 $58 which would not do at all President
Young said you had your positive instructions what to do
but John Taylor stood in your way & you did not do as you
were told & then people were sent so late that it has cost
us many thousands of Dollars to get them in now what
did you think ofsuch things. Elder Franklin Richards
said the ownly excuse I have to offer is that Orson Spencer
was dead & John Taylor took charge of all things in the states
& informed me that he had instructions from President
Young to attend to it which it appears was not correct
Elder Taylor wanted to handle the money himself which
was wrong
I went to the 12 ward & preached & had the spirit of God
upon me. I was followed by Bishop Hardy & several others who
spoke in the spirit of the Lord
~ Monday
27th I spent most of the day preparing my waggon & team to go
into the mountain to assist the poor saints who are in the snow & on
the road with hand Carts I also put up a new boiler to day
to make Beet Molasses I met with President Grant & all the Missionaries at Brother F. D. Richards
[FIGURE] President Grant said Elders Woodruff & F. D. Richards would preside
over the missionaries & direct them in their work
Woodruff called upon President Grant to pray who opened the meeting
by prayer W. Woodruff then gave an account of the procedings
of the former missionaries & what course he thought we ought
to persue. J M Grant then said we should do as though there
was no missionaries before. I want you to go through this Territory
& I want you to do as God wants you go prepared for Battle when
it is nessary Jirk men up by there names wake up the bishops &
all presiding officers & then the people. The Church at Grantsvill on
the 4th of July lifted up an independant flag organized themselves &
appointed a president which was Brother Coolley He came to me
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 26, 1856 - October 27, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025,