Brother Atwood arived this morning with an express from Gen Wells & 2 letters from Col Allexander who closed his letter by
saying that "He should not obey the Governors Orders & his final
disposals of the troops would depend upon Grave consideration which
I do not deem necessary to enumerate" (words without meaning)
The messenger said that the 5th Regment had stoped near Bear River
in tents, the 10th Regment had moved back on hams fork 5 miles
with all the teams & baggage they were in the snow several inches
deep the Brethren travelled several miles with the army the men
were so week & cold they would wrap up in their coat & lie down
in the snow to rest almost evry mile we cannot tell what
the intentions of the officers of the Army are. President Young
thinks that Col Allexanders intention is to come nearer our camp
so that his men may desert. Robert Burton said that it was 80
miles from Allexanders command to the mouth of Echo Canyon
President Young said Here are the officers around me I will call
a council of war I think it is best for Gen Wells to call
in all his forces to Echo & there rest & not ride his Horses
to death unnecessary but let the Enemy alone now & they will
soon use themselves up keep a few to watch there movements
& let them work & they will all soon be used up. Dr Hickman
is with the 5th Regiment who are left & Allen & his companies
are with the 10th Regim[en]t. Heber Kimball Jr sent Col Allexan-
der a doz onions & the Col said if he had any thing that
Heber wanted He would send it to him. He asked Beaty why
He tryed to stampede their animals and burn the grass He
said we burn the grass to get a better crop next year. I spent
most of the fore part of the day in reading the History of the death
of Joseph & comparing John Taylors account with it some 7 or
800 head of cattle were drove in about 12 oclock accompanied
by some teamsters & soldiers they looked poor & hungry I spent
a short time with President Young in the evening
~ Thursday
22nd I spent most of the day in ploughing I gleaned 17 Bushels
of potatoes on 1 1/2 acres after my men had dug the ground
over I spent the evening in the Historians office on Presidents Brigham Youngs History
~ Friday
23rd I spent most of the day in the office on Brigham Youngs
History President Young received a letter from Gen Wells, not
much News
~ Saturday
24th I called upon President Young a short time Brothers Kimball & Lyman ^&^ Lorenzo Snow was also in a few remarks
were made about the Armey Brother Brigham said that He was
satisfied that we could live in this valley & raise crops and
keep our enemies out it is not in their power to he overthrow
us by the Help of God we can remain here & they can not
conquer us I have reflected this thing over in my mind
to see what way I could conquer this people if I was there
And I cannot see but one way & that way they will not
attempt to take The United States have spent three Millions of
dollars this season to fit out an Armey to destroy us &
~ Wednesday
Oct 21st
Brother Atwood arived this morning with an express from Gen
Wells & 2 letters from Col Allexander who closed his letter by
saying that "He should not obey the Govornors orders & his final
disposals of the troops would depend upon Grave consideration which
I do not deem necessary to enumerate" (words without meaning)
The messenger said that the 5th Regment had stoped near Bear River
in tents, the 10th Regment had moved back on hams fork 5 miles
with all the teams & baggage they were in the snow several inches
deep the Brethren travelled several miles with the army the men
were so week & cold they would wrap up in their coat & lie down
in the snow to rest almost evry mile we cannot tell what
the intentions of the officers of the Army are. President Young
thinks that Col Allexanders intention is to come nearer our camp
so that his men may desert. Robert Burton said that it was 80
miles from Allexanders command to the mouth of Echo Canyon
President Young said Here are the officers around me I will call
a council of war. I think it is best for Gen Wells to call
in all his forces to Echo & there rest & not ride his Horses
to death unnecessary but let the Enemy alone now & they will
soon use themselves up keep a few to watch there movements
& let them work & they will all soon be used up. Dr Hickman
is with the 5th Regiment who are left & Allen & his companies
are with the 10th Regiment. Heber Kimball Jr sent Col Allexander a doz onions & the Col said if he had any thing that
Heber wanted He would send it to him. He asked Beaty why
He tryed to stampede their animals and burn the grass He
said we burn the grass to get a better crop next year. I spent
most of the fore part of the day in reading the History of the death
of Joseph & comparing John Taylors account with it some 7 or
800 head of cattle were drove in about 12 oclok accompanied
by some teamsters & soldiers they looked poor & hungry I spent
a short time with President Young in the evening
~ Thursday
22nd I spent most of the day in ploughing I gleaned 17 Bushels
of potatoes on 1 1/2 acres after my men had dug the ground
over I spent the evening in the Historians office on Presidents
Brigham Youngs History
~ Friday
23rd I spent most of the day in the office on Brigham Youngs
History. President Young received a letter from Gen Wells, not
much news
~ Saturday
24th I called upon President Young a short time Brothers
Kimball & Lyman & Lorenzo Snow was also in a few remarks
were made about the Armey Brother Brigham said that He was
satisfied that we could live in this valley & raise crops and
keep our enemies out it is not in their power to overthrow
us by the Help of God we can remain here & they can not
conquer us I have reflected this thing over in my mind
to see what way I could conquer this people if I was there
And I cannot see but one way & that way they will not
attempt to take The United States have spent three Millions of
dollars this season to fit out an Armey to destroy us &
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 21, 1857 - October 24, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,