Conceiving then that agreeable to the advice of Pythagoras in the golden verses daily exemination
would be nessary, I contrived the following method for
conducting that examination. I made a little Book
in which I allotted a page for each of the virtues I
ruled each page with red ink so as to have seven columns
one for each day of the week, marking each column
with a letter for the day I crossed these colomns with
13 red lines marking the begining of each line with the
first letter of one of the virtues on which line on which line and in its proper column I might mark by a little
black spot every fault I found upon examination to have
been committed respecting that virtue upon that day
Form of the Pages
Eat not to dulness, drink not to elevation
I determined to give a weeks strict attention to each of the
virtues successively. thus in the first week I could my
great guard was to avoid even the least offence against
temperance leaving the other virtues to their ordinary chance
ownly marking evry evening the faults of the day.
easy the practice of sincerity & Justice &c &c
conceiving then that agreeable to the advice of
Pythagoras in the golden verses daily examination
would be nessary, I contrived the following method for
conducting that examination. I made a little Book
in which I allotted a page for each of the virtues I
ruled each page with red ink so as to have seven columns
One for each day of the week, marking each column
with a letter for the day I crossed these columns with
13 red lines marking the begining of each line with the
first letter of one of the virtues on which line
and in its proper column I might mark by a little
black spot every fault I found upon examination to have
been committed respecting that virtue upon that day
Form of the Pages
Eat not to dulness, drink not to elevation
Sun M. T W Th F S
Sil ****
Ord *****
Res **
Fru **
Ind *
I determined to give a weeks strict attention to each of the
virtues successively. thus in the first week my
great guard was to avoid even the least offence against
temperance leaving the other virtues to their ordinary chance
ownly marking evry evening the faults of the day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 6, 1854, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025,