in God as we have done heretofore and now looke forward with
feelings of Deep interest to the Events of 1858 Believing that God
will preserve his Saints and chastize his Enemies. The wicked
know not what they do "Darkness covers the Earth and gross darkness
the people." [Isaiah 60:2] "The Heathen rage and the people imagin vain things they
say let our Eye look upon Zion and let her be defiled" "but they
know not the thoughts of the Lord neither understand they his ways" [Micah 4:12]
"The Lord will have them in derision, He will laugh at their calamity & mock
when their fear cometh." [Proverbs 1:26] Their destruction will come suddenly upon
them as a whirl wind and no power can Deliver them. The measure
which they have meeted unto the saints, and seek to bring upon them
shall be meeted unto them again as a Nation, as states, counties, towns,
cities, and families untill evry man who does not draw his sword
against his Neighbor will be oblieged to Flee to Zion for safety And
these things shall shurely come to pass for the Lord God has spoken
it. Then prepare yourself O Land of America for the judgments of
the God of Heaven await ^you^ and are nigh even at your doors For the Lord
hath looked down from his Holy habitation and hath beheld all your
wickedness and abomination and all the Evil designs of your hearts
and all your secrets plans for the destruction of the Saints of the
Most High, for all these things God will bring you into Judgment
and He will require the stewardship at the Hands of the President of
the United States and at the Hands of the Senators, and Represen-
tatives, and Govornors, and Judges, and all the Rulers of the Land
will all be heald responsible for the use they make of the liberties
& blessings put into their hands and the whole people of the Land
who Elect the officers of Government will be held responsible
for the conduct of those officers as well as their own conduct
in their dealings with the Church and kingdom of God upon the
Earth. Let us watch the signs of the times of 1858 And we shall
find that the Lord will soon come out of his hiding place and in
his fury he will vex the Nation and in his hot displeasure he will
begin to cut off the wicked and unjust stewards and appoint them
their portion with hypocrites and unbelievers. [Doctrine and Covenants 101:89-90] Let the Saints of
God prepare for that which is to come
[rest of page blank]
Jan 1st
in God as we have done heretofore and now look forward with
feelings of Deep interest to the Events of 1858 Believing that God
will preserve his saints and chastize his Enemies. The wicked
know not what they do "Darkness covers the Earth and gross darkness
the people." "The Heathen rage and the people imagin vain things they
say let our Eye look upon Zion and let her be defiled" "but they
know not the thoughts of the Lord neither understand they his ways"
"The Lord will have them in derision, He will laugh at their calamity & mock
when their fear cometh." Their destruction will come suddenly upon
them as a whirl wind and no power can Deliver them. The measure
which they have meeted unto the saints, and seek to bring upon them
shall be meeted unto them again as a Nation, as states, counties, towns,
cities, and families untill evry man who does not draw his sword
against his Neighbor will be oblieged to Flee to Zion for safety And
these things shall shurely come to pass for the Lord God has spoken
it. Then prepare yourself O Land of America for the judgments of
the God of Heaven await you and are nigh even at your doors For the Lord
hath looked down from his Holy habitation and hath beheld all your
wickedness and abomination and all the Evil designs of your hearts
and all your secrets plans for the destruction of the Saints of the
Most High, for all these things God will bring you into Judgment
and He will require the stewardship at the Hands of the President of
the United States and at the Hands of the senators, and Representatives, and Govornors, and Judges, and all the Rulers of the Land
will all be held responsible for the use they make of the liberties
& blessings put into their hands and the whole people of the Land
who Elect the officers of Government will be held responsible
for the conduct of those officers as well as their own conduct
in their dealings with the church and kingdom of God upon the
Earth. Let us watch the signs of the times of 1858 And we shall
find that the Lord will soon come out of his hiding place and in
his fury he will vex the Nation and in his hot displeasure he will
begin to cut off the wicked and unjust stewards and appoint them
their portion with hypocrites and unbelievers. Let the saints of
God prepare for that which is to come
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 1, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,