found by Brother Woodruff said when He struck him spued
out of his mouth such poisonous matter that it filled the air
with such a stench that he had to leave the ground. The subj[ec]t
of the Death of P. P. Pratt came up E Rastus Snow said there
is some men in this city that thirst for my Blood he felt
this strongly in spirit as he was th about to start for meet-
ing this feeling was so strongly uphon him that He did not
wish to go to meeting Brother Pollard did not think ther
was any danger Brother Pratt made Brother Pollard promise
that he would protect him untill his return before he would
leave for the meeting at this vary time Mr MCClain
had taken lodgings Joining Parley's room and was attending
his meetings with loaded weapons seeking an opportunity
to kill him. G. A. Smith advisied P. P. Pratt not to go
to Arkansaw but to go direct to Salt Lake & take care of
himself He told parly if he went to try to protect Eleanor
& her children He would loose his life. But He did not
take care of himself or take G. A. Smith council But went
to Arkansas & was murdered by Mr MCLain.
~ Monday
4th I learned this morning that the Calafornia Mail had
come in & that O PrattE. T. Benson & others was in Sanbernadeno & would soon be in this city. I attended
the Legislative assembly both Houses sat together the News-
paper was called for & Capt Van Vliet report was read
also the city of Baltimore was placed under Martial Law
7000 troop called out &c. I met with the Joints Committee
in the afternoon, & spent the evening in the Office
~ Tuesday
5th I met with the Joint assembly it was one of the most impo- rtant days of the assembly. A strong resolution
or memorial to Congress was presented to the Assembly
and adopted and copies prepared for the signitures of the
members. Also the correspondence of Gov Brigham Young
was presented & read viz His correspondence with the United
States armey and was ordered to be printed I spent the
evening in the office on my Autibiogrophy
~ Wednesday
6th I spent the day in the Joint assembly. Gov Young called
in and herd our memorial to congress read it is a strong
document calling upon the congress of the United States
for our constitutionall rights in strong terms it was sign-
ed by all the members and Officers of the Legislature of this Territory. I spent the after noon in the office
~ Thursday
7th I wrote 2 letters and sent to Ilus F Carter
& Ozem Woodruff. I also sent 3 Papers to Ilus
F Carter Dec 23rd 1856 containing the Govornors Message & Jan
6 1858, containing sermons of B YoungH C Kimball &
W Woodruff and an extra containing our strong Memorial
to Congress signed by all the members of the Legislature and
Gov Youngs correspondence with the Army I also sent Father Carter
an Extra. Ozem Woodruff 2 Jan 6 1858 & the Extra and Ozem T Woodruff 2 Jan 6, 1858 and Extra
Jan 3rd 1858
found by Brother Woodruff said when He struck him spued
out of his mouth such poisonous matter that it filled the air
with such a stench that he had to leave the ground. The subject
of the Death of P. P. Pratt came up E Rastus Snow said there
is some men in this City that thirst for my Blood he felt
this strongly in spirit as he was about to start for meeting this feeling was so strongly upon him that He did not
wish to go to meeting Brother Pollard did not think ther
was any danger Brother Pratt made Brother Pollard promise
that he would protect him untill his return before he would
leave for the meeting at this vary time Mr MCClain
had taken lodgings Joining Parley's Room and was attending
his meetings with loaded weapons seeking an opportunity
to kill him. G. A. Smith advised P. P. Pratt not to go
to Arkansaw but to go direct to Salt Lake & take care of
himself He told parly if he went to try to protect Eleanor
& her children He would loose his life. But He did not
take care of himself or take G. A. Smith council But went
to Arkansas & was murdered by Mr MCLain
~ Monday
4th I learned this morning that the Calafornia Mail had
come in & that O PrattE. T. Benson & others was in
Sanbernadeno & would soon be in this City. I attended
the Legislative assembly both Houses sat together the Newspapers was called for & capt Van Vliet report was read
also the City of Baltimore was placed under Martial Law
7000 troop called out &c. I met with the Joints Committee
in the afternoon, & spent the evening in the office
~ Tuesday
5th I met with the Joint assembly it was one of the most impoFIGURES rtant days of the assembly. A strong Resolution
or memorial to Congress was presented to the Assembly
and adopted and copies prepared for the signitures of the
members. Also the correspondence of Gov Brigham Young
was presented & read viz His correspondence with the United
States armey and was ordered to be printed I spent the
evening in the office on my Autibiogrophy
~ Wednesday
6th [FIGURE] I spent the day in the Joint assembly. Gov Young called
in and herd our memorial to congress read it is a strong
document calling upon the congress of the United States
for our Constitutional Rights in strong terms it was signed by all the members and Officers of the Legislature of this
Territory. I spent the after noon in the office
~ Thursday
7th [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters and sent to Ilus F Carter
& Ozem Woodruff. I also sent 3 Papers to Ilus
F Carter Dec 23rd 1856 containing the Govornors Message & Jan
6 1858, containing sermons of B YoungH C Kimball &
W Woodruff and an extra containing our strong Memorial
to Congress signed by all the members of the Legislature and
Gov Young, correspondence with the Army I also sent Father Carter
an Extra. Ozem Woodruff 2 Jan 6 1858 & the Extra and
Ozem T Woodruff 2 Jan 6, 1858 and Extra
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 3, 1858 - January 7, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 26, 2024,